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Why Was Jem Crying At The End Of Chapter 7?

To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee: Ch. 7 | Summary & Analysis - Lesson |  Study.Com

Why is it significant that Jem had been crying?

Jem cries because a silent friendship that was cemented figuratively through little gifts in a knothole has been ended — ended before he has a chance to say thank you — by someone else’s decision to literally cement the tree.

What does Jem do at the end of Chapter 7?

Quick answer: Jem cries at the end of chapter 7 of To Kill a Mockingbird because he realizes that Nathan Radley has blocked up the knothole of the tree to stop his brother from communicating with the Finch children.

Why did Jem cry after the verdict was read?

Jem cried because he was shocked at the injustice of the jury, people from his own town, whom he had always considered above such injustice.

Why did Jem cry in Chapter 8?

Jem, on the other hand, is brought to tears, because he grasps that Boo’s brother has done something cruel: he has deprived Boo of his connection to the wider world and has broken up his brother’s attempt at friendship.

What are two reasons to explain Jem’s tears?

Expert-Verified Answer The subject of this question is Jem’s quiet tears at the end of a chapter in Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. Two possible reasons for his tears could be his growing awareness of racial injustice and the emotional strain of his father’s fight against such bias.

When did Jem cry?

Summary: Chapter 22 That night, Jem cries, railing against the injustice of the verdict. The next day, Maycomb’s Black population delivers an avalanche of food to the Finch household. Outside, Miss Stephanie Crawford is gossiping with Mr. Avery and Miss Maudie, and she tries to question Jem and Scout about the trial.

What spooked Jem in Chapter 7?

What spooked Jem was that when he retrieved his pants, they were mended and folded neatly instead of in a bunch and ripped when he had left them. I think that Boo Radley did this. After they find the soap dolls, what does Jem realize that Scout does not yet understand? Jem realizes that Boo Radley is watching them.

What happened in chapter 7 of The Night?

A man tries to kill Elie, but Meir Katz is able to stop him. Katz, himself, does not survive the journey. Out of 100 people who started the journey, only 12 survived. Key themes in this chapter include the dehumanization of these men and the primacy, and at times weakness, of the father-son bond.

What words did Jem misuse in chapter 7?

Final answer: In Chapter 7 of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ Jem misuses ‘morphodite‘ when he intends to say ‘hermaphrodite,’ while referring to the snowman he and Scout built.

Why is Jem so emotional about the verdict?

Jem is losing his innocence. ааHe saw the evidence clearly and recognized Tom’s innocence. ааHe was disillusioned by the prejudice his neighbors showed. Jem cannot understand how the jury could send an innocent man to jail because of his skin color.

Does Jem cry at the trial?

Jem is convinced that the jury will acquit Tom Robinson after the evidence Atticus presented. After the verdict, Jem leaves the courtroom stunned, angry, and crying. The African American community loads the Finch family with food for defending Tom so valiantly, which surprises the children because Atticus didn’t win.

What chapter does Jem cry about the trial?

At the opening of Chapter 22, Jem is angrily crying as he, Scout, and Dill leave the courtroom. Throughout the trial, Jem was optimistic about Tom’s chances. But despite Atticus disproving the Ewell’s claims, the jury returned a guilty verdict after hours of deliberation.

Why did Jem cry Chapter 7?

Jem cries at the end of Chapter 7 because he suspects that Boo Radley was leaving them presents in the tree and now that Nathan Radley has cemented the hole, he can no longer do it. Jem feels sad for Boo.

Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree chapter 7?

Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree? No, Because he was upset when the tree was covered, he ate the gum and wrote a thank you note.

What does Jem tell Scout about the night at Boo Radleys in chapter 7?

Chapter Seven Jem finally tells Scout that the night he went back for his pants he found them folded across the fence and sewed, but sewed by someone who really didn’t know what they were doing.

What does Jem’s broken arm symbolize?

3. Jem’s Injury: Jem’s broken arm serves as a metaphorical and symbolic representation of the physical and emotional injuries that characters in the novel will face. It foreshadows the idea that innocence and goodness can be harmed or broken in a world filled with prejudice, injustice, and racism.

How Jem’s arm is broken?

His arm was broken in a scuffle with drunk Bob Ewell. Jem is saved by Boo Radley. This broken arm is foreshadowed in the beginning of the novel as the opening sentence. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird is the events leading up to how Jem broke his arm.

Why was Boo in Jem’s room?

Who is the stranger standing in the corner of Jem’s room? Why might he be there? Boo Radley, he was there because he saw the accident.

Why is it significant that Jem has been crying?

Why is it significant that Jem has been crying? Jem’s tears reveal that, unlike Scout, he assumes it was the kindness of Boo and he may have been reaching out due to loneliness, but that is no longer available.

How old is Jem when he dies?

Jem died of a sudden heart attack at age 28. According to Jean Louise’s narration, he inherited a weak heart from their mother, who died the same way when the children were young (setting up the unique family situation that defines Mockingbird, with maid Calpurnia serving as Scout’s primary maternal figure).

Who does Jem say is real sad?

Before the infamous trial of Tom Robinson, Jem explains to Scout what a mixed child is. Jem replies, “Half white, half colored… They’re real sad.” (p. 215) Jem then goes on to explain the life of the “tragic mulatto”; this is the life of someone that isn’t accepted anywhere or by anyone.

How does the incident affect Jem in Chapter 7?

Radley had filled up the knothole with cement because he didn’t want anyone leaving treasures in it. How does this incident affect Jem? Jem is sad and cries about it.

How old is Boo Radley?

Boo Radley is a thirty-three-year old recluse who lives in the most neglected house on the street. Scout, Jem, and Dill eventually learn the reasons for Boo’s behavior. After several close encounters with Boo, however, the children learn that most of the myths surrounding him are false.

What happened to Jem’s pants in Chapter 6 and 7?

On his wild adventure to sneak a peek at Boo Radley, Jem loses his pants after they get hooked to the fence while he is trying to escape. Dill concocts a story about how Jem lost them during a game of strip poker.

How many people got out of the wagon in chapter 7 of Night?

Meir Katz prefers a bullet to continual misery. On arrival at Buchenwald late at night, out of the hundred prisoners in his train car, only Elie, his father, and ten others survive. This brief chapter carries the ghoulish atmosphere to extremes as more men sink toward death and are matter-of-factly tossed aside.

Who was Idek in Night?

In Night, Idek is one of the Kapos and in charge of the narrator of the book, Eliezer. Idek is a prisoner in charge of a Kommando, or work squad, within the concentration camp. Eliezer falls victim to Idek’s fits of uncontrollable rage several times, and so does Eliezer’s father.

What happens in chapter 6 and 7 of Night?

In these sections, we are told two particularly striking stories about sons and fathers. Rabbi Eliahou’s son abandons him during the death march from Buna, and a nameless son, in the cattle cars from Gleiwitz to Buchenwald, beats his father to death for a crust of bread.

Why is Jem crying in Chapter 22 at the start of the chapter?

Why did Jem cry? He cried because it wasn’t fair that the Tom should be convicted of something he didn’t do, and the jruy knew he didn’t do this and yet they still sentenced him to death.

Why did Jem cry in Chapter 21?

Jem is convinced that the jury will acquit Tom Robinson after the evidence Atticus presented. After the verdict, Jem leaves the courtroom stunned, angry, and crying. The African American community loads the Finch family with food for defending Tom so valiantly, which surprises the children because Atticus didn’t win.

What is the significance of Jem?

Jem Finch is Scout Finch’s older brother and a central character in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird. ‘ He is important for embodying the themes of maturity, empathy, and moral development throughout the narrative.

What makes Jem and Scout cry in Chapter 13?

Atticus tells Jem and Scout that they must behave themselves for their aunt to impress the townspeople and present their family in a positive light. Scout cries because she does not see this change as one that needs to be made and that Atticus has changed his thoughts and behaviors to suit Aunt Alexandra.

Why does Jem cry at the end of Chapter 7?

Jem cries at the end of Chapter 7 because he suspects that Boo Radley was leaving them presents in the tree and now that Nathan Radley has cemented the hole, he can no longer do it. Jem feels sad for Boo. What grade is Scout and Jem in Chapter 7? Chapter 7 begins with the start of the school year. Scout is in second grade and Jem is in sixth grade.

Why does Jem cries?

Find evidence in the text to support your answer. Jem cries because Boo’s father, Nathan Radley, had cemented up the hole in the tree. Jem is not so sad about the loss of forthcoming gifts in the hole rather than the connection has been severed between them and their “phantom friend.”

What happens in Chapter 7 of to kill a Mockingbird?

In Chapter 7, Scout starts to see that Jem is growing up and that he does not share all of his feelings with her anymore. What is the main idea of Chapter 7 in To Kill a Mockingbird? The main idea of Chapter 7 of To Kill a Mockingbird is that the person who was leaving gifts in the tree for Scout and Jem has been thwarted by Mr. Nathan Radley.

What does Jem’s tears mean in to kill a Mockingbird?

Regardless, it’s important to note that Jem’s tears indicate that he is beginning to come around to the possibility that Boo is a kind and generous individual—even a potential friend. Need help with Chapter 7 in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird?
Okay, let’s dive into the emotional rollercoaster that is Chapter 7 of To Kill a Mockingbird. You know, the one where Jem cries his eyes out? It’s a really powerful scene, and it makes you think, “What in the world just happened?!”

So, let’s break down why Jem is feeling so heartbroken.

The Boo Radley Mystery

First off, let’s remember that Jem and Scout are obsessed with Boo Radley, the mysterious neighbor who hasn’t been seen in years. They’ve built him up in their minds as some kind of monster, someone to be feared. But in Chapter 7, something changes.

The Pants Incident

Jem, in his adventurous spirit, decides to sneak onto the Radley property to retrieve his pants, which he accidentally left behind after a daring attempt to peek into Boo’s window. Now, this is a big deal because it’s a huge violation of their unspoken rule about the Radley place.

He manages to get his pants back, but things get a little weird. The pants have been mended, folded, and placed neatly on the fence. This is way out of the ordinary for Jem, and it’s clear someone cared enough to do it.

The Climax of the Scene

Here’s the crucial part – the climax of the scene. Scout, ever the curious one, asks Jem if he thinks Boo mended his pants. Jem’s response is heartbreaking. He’s choked up, his voice thick with emotion, and he says, “I don’t reckon he did it. I reckon it was Miss Maudie.”

The Heartbreak Begins

This is the moment where things start to unravel for Jem. He’s holding onto this image of Boo as this monstrous figure, but the evidence is pointing to a completely different picture. He’s starting to realize that his fear might be based on prejudice and not on reality.

The Weight of Responsibility

It’s not just about Boo anymore. It’s about Jem’s own actions and the potential consequences of his choices. He’s realized that his actions could have put someone in danger, and that someone was kind enough to help him, even though he was trespassing. This realization weighs heavily on him.

The Loss of Innocence

This scene is a turning point for Jem. He’s starting to lose his innocence, to see the world for what it really is – a place where prejudice can blind you, and kindness can be found in unexpected places. It’s a hard lesson to learn, and it’s leaving him emotionally drained.

The Power of Symbolism

The pants are a powerful symbol. They represent Jem’s transgression, his fear, and the unexpected act of kindness that challenges his preconceptions.

The Real Reason for Jem’s Tears

So, why is Jem crying? He’s crying because he’s realizing that the world is more complex than he imagined, and that the truth is often hidden beneath layers of prejudice and fear. He’s crying because he’s starting to understand the weight of his actions and the consequences they can have. He’s crying because he’s experiencing the painful loss of innocence.

Jem’s Growth and Understanding

It’s a heartbreaking scene, but it’s also a vital one. It marks a turning point in Jem’s character development. It’s the beginning of his journey to understand the complexities of the world and the people in it.


Q: Why is Jem so worried about Boo Radley?

A: Jem and Scout have been told scary stories about Boo Radley, making them fear him as a monster. Their fear is based on rumors and prejudice, not on any real knowledge of Boo.

Q: What does the mending of Jem’s pants symbolize?

A: The mending of Jem’s pants symbolizes Boo’s kindness and compassion, challenging Jem’s preconceived notions about him. It also highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in a world filled with fear and prejudice.

Q: Why is the scene so important in the novel?

A: The scene with Jem’s crying is a turning point in the novel. It shows that Jem is starting to grow up, to see the world differently, and to question the assumptions he’s made.

Q: What does the scene teach us about prejudice and fear?

A: The scene highlights how prejudice and fear can blind us to the truth and prevent us from seeing the good in others. It encourages us to challenge our assumptions and to look beyond the surface.

Q: What can we learn from Jem’s experience?

A: We can learn that it’s okay to question our beliefs and assumptions, to be open to different perspectives, and to be kind and compassionate even when we’re afraid. We can also learn that growth and understanding often come with the painful experience of losing innocence.

So, there you have it! It’s not just about the pants. It’s about a boy confronting his fears, facing the reality of his actions, and learning a hard lesson about the world.

See more here: What Does Jem Do At The End Of Chapter 7? | Why Was Jem Crying At The End Of Chapter 7

Why does Jem cry at the end of chapter 7 of To Kill a Mockingbird …

Jem cries at the end of chapter 7 because he realizes that his chances of communicating with Boo Radley and developing a lasting friendship are gone. Boo Radley has…

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