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Why Does Guinness Use A Toucan: The Unexpected Symbol

St. Patrick'S Day: The Story Behind The Guinness Toucan

What do toucans have to do with Ireland?

Symbolism: The toucan, carrying two pints of Guinness on its beak, symbolizes not only balance, but also the idea of generosity and abundance. This refers to the quality and richness of Guinness beer. It also evokes Irish strength and resilience: two values held dear by the Irish!

Why does Guinness use animals?

The idea of using animals to advertise Guinness originally occurred to Gilroy after visiting the circus. While watching a performing sea-lion he entertained the curious thought that the animal would be smart enough to balance a glass of Guinness on its nose!

What is the bird symbol of Guinness?

A Lasting Legacy The Toucan was immensely popular with the public. Today, it can still be seen on iconic memorabilia such as coasters, t-shirts, and re-prints; a testament to the lasting imprint Gilroy’s whimsical, distinctive bird created for the brand.

Why is the Guinness logo a harp?

Guinness chose a distinctly Irish symbol for the core of its identity – the harp. The harp has been a heraldic symbol of Ireland since the 13th century. The Guinness harp emblem is based on the famous 14th-century ‘Brian Boru harp’, which remains on display at Trinity College Dublin today.

Why is a toucan on Guinness?

In the early 1930s, John Gilroy, their resident artist, illustrated a menagerie of zoo animals to promote Guinness. Toucans became synonymous with the brand in 1935 following a poem by the crime writer Dorothy Sayers, who wrote advertising copy for Benson. The slogan “Guinness is good for you” was very successful.

What are toucans used for?

The toucans are, due to their unique appearance, among the most popular and well known birds in the world. Across their native range they were hunted for food and also kept as pets, and their plumage and bills were used for decorations.

Why is Guinness not vegan?

Isinglass, a fish product, is used during the clarification process as a magnet to get rid of excess yeast. To the strict Vegan, this would be considered an animal product and therefore unsuitable for Guinness products.

Why did Guinness use fish bladders?

For the past two centuries years, an obscure bit of fish product has been hiding in Guinness. Isinglass is a gelatin derived of fish bladders, usually taken from the sturgeon, that is used to filter and clarify the ale. It ensures the yeast separates from the liquid.

Does Guinness contain pork?

All Guinness brands are free from animal matter. However, isinglass, which is a by-product of the fishing industry, is used as a fining agent for settling out suspended matter in the vat. The isinglass is retained in the floor of the vat but it is possible that minute quantities might be carried over into the beer.”

Why Guinness has a ball?

It’s essentially a small, white nitrogen filled ball that sits inside the can, and the second the can is opened, the widget does what it has so patiently been waiting to do. It releases the magic surge of bubbles, replicating the draught experience in a can.

Why is Guinness so special?

That smooth and creamy finish Michael Ash, a mathematician, and brewer, invented Guinness Draught and in doing so the world’s first nitro beer. The infusion of nitrogen and carbon dioxide is what gives Guinness Draught its ‘surge and settle’ effect, resulting in its smooth and creamy finish. Not your average beer.

What animal is a Guinness?

Guinness Toucan: In fact, a series of zoo animals were introduced as part of a campaign to advertise Guinness beginning in 1935. The first animal to make an appearance was the sealion followed by the toucan. The strapline used for the campaign featuring the zoo animals was ‘My Goodness, My Guinness’.

What country drinks the most Guinness?

As the British empire established colonies or had soldiers posted, Guinness would send its beer. But back to the matter at hand: where drinks the most Guinness? The United Kingdom is the undisputed king of Guinness drinking, presumably with its proximity to the original Guinness brewery in Ireland playing a key role.

Do the Guinness family still own Guinness?

The company is now a part of Diageo, a company formed from the merger of Guinness and Grand Metropolitan in 1997. The main product of the brewery is Draught Guinness. Originally leased in 1759 to Arthur Guinness at £45 per year for 9,000 years, the St. James’s Gate area has been the home of Guinness ever since.

When did Guinness stop using toucan?

The toucan and its gang of animal friends graced Guinness ads for decades. Then, in 1982, Guinness stopped working with S.H. Benson and dropped the animals.

What is the bird on the Guinness logo?

Go to an Irish pub and you’re likely to see one of Guinness’ more famous — and curious — advertising characters: a toucan toting a beer on its beak. But toucans reside in the treetops of Central and South America, the San Diego Zoo explains, not in the open hillsides of dreary Ireland.

Why is it called the toucan?

The word “toucan” comes from the sound the bird makes. Their songs often resemble croaking frogs. Toucans combine their extensive vocal calls with tapping and clattering sounds from their bill. Many toucans make barking, croaking, and growling sounds, and mountain toucans make braying sounds like those of a donkey.

What do toucans symbolize?

They are famous for their large and bright-colored bills. The literal Toucan meaning is derived from the Brazilian word ‘Tucano. ‘ Toucan symbolizes sharing wisdom and engaging in public speaking. The bird, due to its social skills, acts as a symbol of socializing and stage work.

Can a toucan fly?

They have short and compact bodies, a rounded tail, and a short, thick neck. Their legs are strong and short. They have small wings, so they need to flap their wings a lot to fly. To conserve energy, they are more often found sitting in trees than flying.

Is Guinness technically a beer?

In 1959, Guinness Draught became the world’s first nitrogenated beer, marking the 200-year anniversary of Arthur Guinness signing a 9,000-year lease for the building. The perfect pint of Guinness should take 119.5 seconds to create. Guinness has had an experimental brewery at St James’s Gate for over 100 years.

Why is Heineken not vegan?

Yes, Heineken lager is vegan – all of its ingredients are vegan-friendly and no animal products are used in its filtration.

Does Guinness still use fish bladders?

Yep, they were in there. Guinness, the famed Irish brewery, is changing its recipe for the first time in 256 years. Beer-loving vegans will now be able to sip, or chug, the black stout, starting in 2016 when fish guts will be removed from Guinness ingredients, according to the Independent.

Why is Guinness beer black?

Guinness Draught beer is not actually black but rather dark ruby red because of the way the ingredients are prepared. Some raw barley is roasted, in a similar way to coffee beans, which is what gives Guinness Draught its distinctive colour.

What is the secret ingredient in Guinness beer?

Is Guinness vegan? Guinness Draught became vegan-friendly in 2017. Before this change, Guinness used isinglass (a fish-derived gelatine) to clarify its beer.

Why Guinness can have a ball?

Just saying the word ‘widget’ puts us in a good mood. It’s essentially a small, white nitrogen filled ball that sits inside the can, and the second the can is opened, the widget does what it has so patiently been waiting to do. It releases the magic surge of bubbles, replicating the draught experience in a can.

Do toucans live in Ireland?

Go to an Irish pub and you’re likely to see one of Guinness’ more famous — and curious — advertising characters: a toucan toting a beer on its beak. But toucans reside in the treetops of Central and South America, the San Diego Zoo explains, not in the open hillsides of dreary Ireland.

What countries have toucans?

These birds live in South America and Central America. Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, French Guiana, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, and Surinam are all places where you’ll find toucans. They live in a tropical forest habitat. Costa Rica is home to six species of toucan including the keel-billed toucan.

Do toucans live in Africa?

The toucan is a family of over 40 species, all of which are only found in Central and South America. The 55 hornbill species live in Asia and Africa. The king’s adviser, Zazu, in the famous animation movie “The Lion King,” is a red-billed hornbill.

Why is a toucan a Guinness AD?

From its very first appearance in 1935, a Toucan became instantly recognisable as an advertising campaign for Guinness, the Dublin-based brewers. For over 45 years, it has appeared as a theme on a wide range of advertising and marketing products for Guinness.

Why does Guinness use a toucan as a mascot?

The choice of a toucan as the Guinness mascot is rooted in the brand’s historical marketing strategy. The company introduced the iconic Toucan as a symbol of the beer’s exotic and adventurous nature. Additionally, the use of a tropical bird helped create a memorable and visually striking image for advertising purposes.

Is a Guinness toucan a good beer label?

Beer drinkers are used to seeing eye-catching beer labels — some good, some not so good. But stroll past a beer fridge and you might see a label that’s simple, nostalgic, and a throwback to the 1930s: the Guinness toucan. The toucan goes back to 1935 and the advertising firm S.H. Benson.

What is a Guinness toucan?

Over time, the Guinness toucan has become more than just an advertising tool; it has become an integral part of the brand’s identity, loved by consumers and recognized the world over. Even today, it’s used just about everywhere: on official pints, T-shirts, towels and all the merchandising produced by the brand.
Alright, let’s dive into the colorful world of Guinness and their toucan mascot! You might be wondering why a dark stout beer would choose a bright, tropical bird as their symbol. It’s a curious choice, right? Well, the answer is a bit more complex than you might think.

It all boils down to brand recognition and marketing strategy. You see, Guinness, like any other company, wants to stand out and attract consumers. They’re not just selling a beer, they’re selling an experience, a feeling, and a whole lot of Irish charm!

The toucan, with its vibrant colors and playful personality, helps them do just that. It’s a unique and memorable visual that cuts through the clutter of other beer brands. But here’s the kicker: Guinness wasn’t always associated with a toucan.

Guinness’s Early Days: A Harp and a Lion

Back in the day, Guinness was all about the harp. It was their symbol for a long time, representing Ireland’s rich musical heritage. However, they felt like they needed something new, something more “universal” that resonated with a wider audience.

Enter the Guinness “toucan” – a playful, colorful, and friendly image that became instantly recognizable. This shift towards a toucan mascot happened in the 1960s. It marked a significant change in their branding strategy, moving away from traditional Irish imagery.

The Rise of the Toucan

So, why the toucan? It’s a bit of a mystery. No one from Guinness has ever officially stated the reason behind this decision. Some believe it’s because of the toucan’s unique beak. It can hold up to 1/3 of its body weight, just like a good pint of Guinness!

There’s also a theory that the toucan represents a sense of optimism and joy, which complements the overall brand message. Imagine a cold pint of Guinness on a sunny afternoon, with a toucan perched nearby – the picture speaks for itself!

The Toucan’s Impact

No matter the reason, the toucan has become synonymous with Guinness. It’s seen worldwide, on their packaging, advertising, and even their pub signs. The toucan, in a way, became a “brand ambassador” for the company, representing its spirit and bringing a smile to people’s faces.

Think about it. The toucan is instantly recognizable. It’s like a mini-logo for Guinness. It works even without words. You see a toucan, and you instantly think of Guinness! It’s a testament to their clever marketing strategy.

Beyond Marketing

The toucan’s impact goes beyond marketing. It’s also become a symbol of the Guinness brand’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The toucan’s vibrant colors and playful personality transcend cultural boundaries, appealing to people from all walks of life.

Guinness Toucan: A Colorful Success Story

The toucan has been a major success for Guinness. It’s a symbol of the brand’s evolution, its commitment to fun and enjoyment, and its ability to connect with people on a global scale. So, next time you see a toucan, remember the story behind it, and raise a pint of Guinness to its enduring legacy.


Here are some common questions you might have about Guinness and their toucan:

Q: Why did Guinness change from a harp to a toucan?

A: Guinness decided to change their symbol to something more universal and appealing to a wider audience. The harp, while iconic, might have been seen as too closely tied to Ireland and not as globally recognized.

Q: Does Guinness use a real toucan in their advertising?

A: While Guinness might use toucan imagery in their ads, they don’t use real toucans. They often use illustrations or cartoon representations.

Q: What does the toucan represent?

A: The toucan represents a sense of joy, optimism, and fun. Its vibrant colors and playful personality make it a memorable and appealing symbol. It also represents Guinness’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Q: Is the toucan just a marketing tool or does it have a deeper meaning?

A: While the toucan is primarily a marketing tool, it has also come to represent the brand’s values. It embodies the joy and camaraderie associated with enjoying a pint of Guinness.

Q: How long has Guinness used the toucan?

A: Guinness adopted the toucan as their mascot in the 1960s, marking a significant shift in their branding strategy. The toucan has been a part of their identity ever since!

Q: Can I buy Guinness toucan merchandise?

A: You bet! Guinness toucan merchandise is readily available, from t-shirts and hats to mugs and keychains. It’s a popular choice for Guinness fans!

I hope this explanation sheds some light on the fascinating world of Guinness and their beloved toucan!

See more here: Why Does Guinness Use Animals? | Why Does Guinness Use A Toucan

The Untold Story of the Guinness Toucan | VinePair

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Meaning. The significance of the toucan in Guinness advertising is manifold, reflecting the brand’s creative and playful approach to marketing. Here are a

Why did Guinness use a Toucan as their Mascot?

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The History and Symbolism of the Guinness Logo

Why is the Guinness mascot a toucan? If you have visited the Guinness Gate Brewery in Dublin, you might have seen some older ad campaigns with a toucan. Why so? The choice of a toucan as the FreeLogoDesign

History of Guinness artwork explained; Toucan, ostrich – IrishCentral

Guinness archivist Eibhlin Colgan explains how artist John Gilroy was inspired by a trip to the circus in creating all your favorite Guinness artwork. IrishCentral

An Evolution of Guinness Advertising – Business Insider

First featured in a 1935 ad from Gilroy’s zoo animal series, the toucan would become almost as synonymous with the Guinness brand as the harp on the label. Business Insider

Guinness: An Irish Icon – WMODA | Wiener Museum

The slogan “Guinness is good for you” was very successful. Doctors claimed the iron rich drink had medicinal purposes and until the 1950s women in Irish hospitals were given Guinness after Wiener Museum of Decorative Arts

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Guinness Toucan Advert 1981

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Guinness – Toucans (1955)

The Guinness Weathervane Toucan | Guinness Beer

Guinness Toucan Pub Sign

Link to this article: why does guinness use a toucan.

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