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What The Buddha Taught Audio | What Did Buddha Say About Music?

What The Buddha Taught By Walpola Sri Rahula - Audiobook - Audible.Com

What did Buddha say about music?

The canonical Buddhist Vinayas (monastic codes) generally reject the use of musical chanting and singing for reciting the Buddhist scriptures, since it was seen as a sensuous distraction. They are prohibit monks and nuns from listening to or performing music since it is connected with sensual pleasure.

What does the Buddha teach us?

The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha’s teachings, though they leave much left unexplained. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

What do Buddhists say about Jesus?

Some high level Buddhists have drawn analogies between Jesus and Buddhism, e.g. in 2001 the Dalai Lama stated that “Jesus Christ also lived previous lives“, and added that “So, you see, he reached a high state, either as a Bodhisattva, or an enlightened person, through Buddhist practice or something like that.” …

Can Buddhists listen to any music?

Abstract: Early Buddhism had a negative attitude towards music and dance; the Vinaya codes explicitly prohibit monks, nuns, and lay followers not only from performing, but also from listening or watching performances. This stance is still standard in Theravada Buddhism.

Is music a distraction in Buddhism?

In some Buddhist teachings, music can be considered an earthly pleasure that distracts from the path of enlightenment. Yet music has always been a part of Buddhist religious traditions, as well as contemporary social forms.

Do Buddhists believe in God?

Buddhists do not believe in any kind of deity or god, although there are supernatural figures who can help or hinder people on the path towards enlightenment. Born on the Nepali side of the present day Nepal-India border, Siddhartha Gautama was a prince around the fifth century B.C.E.

What are the 5 teachings of the Buddha?

The precepts are commitments to abstain from killing living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication. Within the Buddhist doctrine, they are meant to develop mind and character to make progress on the path to enlightenment.

Who do Buddhists pray to?

Instead, in Buddhism, we pray to Buddhas and bodhisattvas for the inspiration and strength to work on ourselves so that we can create our own causes of happiness , as well as benefit others as much as possible.

Who’s older Buddha or Jesus?

Buddha (Siddhārtha Gautama) insisted he was human and that there is no almighty, benevolent God. He preached that desire was the root cause of suffering and that people should seek to eliminate desire. He was born in present-day Nepal roughly 500 years before Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth).

Can I believe in Buddhism and Christianity?

The meeting was a dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Lawrence Freeman, the spiritual director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Both stated categorically that it is not possible for one person to be a Christian and a Buddhist.

Do Buddhists believe in heaven?

Buddhist scriptures also identify various heaven- and hell-like realms—sometimes considered to be states created by the mind—where we may take rebirth. Secular Western Buddhists, however, do not believe in rebirth.

What are the 8 things Buddhist must do?

The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi (‘meditative absorption or union’; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness).

Who is the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama, most commonly referred to as the Buddha (‘the awakened’), was a wandering ascetic and religious teacher who lived in South Asia during the 6th or 5th century BCE and founded Buddhism.

Can Buddhists watch TV?

T.V.’s and videos for entertainment should not be used by a monk. Under certain circumstances, a Dharma video or a documentary programme may be watched. In general, luxurious items are inappropriate for a monk to accept.

What is Buddha’s mantra?

mantra, in Hinduism and Buddhism, a sacred utterance (syllable, word, or verse) that is considered to possess mystical or spiritual efficacy. Various mantras are either spoken aloud or merely sounded internally in one’s thoughts, and they are either repeated continuously for some time or just sounded once.

What is the 6 word buddhist chant?

Oṃ maṇi padme hūm̐ (Sanskrit: ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ, IPA: [õːː mɐɳɪ pɐdmeː ɦũː]) is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion.

What music can a Buddhist listen to?

I’m new to Buddhism. What music can I listen to? – Quora. You can listen to any kind of music unless you promise to take 8 precepts for a day or a week. If you would like to meditate, the best is not listened to the music.

Is gossiping a sin in Buddhism?

The Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche once said that no one ever got enlightened by pointing fingers at others. It is not the business of a practitioner to worry about others’ faults, only one’s own. Gossip spreads dissension, which the Buddha called a heinous sin.

What is considered rude in Buddhism?

Show respect: Turn off mobile phones, remove headphones, lower your voice, avoid inappropriate conversation, remove hats, and no smoking or chewing gum. You are likely entering an actual consecrated area, where locals go to commune with the sacred; any hint of irreverence might cause deep offense.

Do Buddhists drink alcohol?

Buddhism. Observant Buddhists typically avoid consuming alcohol (surāmerayamajja, referring to types of intoxicating fermented beverages), as it violates the 5th of the Five Precepts, the basic Buddhist code of ethics and can disrupt mindfulness and impede one’s progress in the Noble Eightfold Path.

Can Buddhists eat meat?

Some Buddhists avoid meat consumption because of the first precept in Buddhism: “I undertake the precept to refrain from taking life”. Other Buddhists disagree with this conclusion. Many Buddhist vegetarians also oppose meat-eating based on scriptural injunctions against flesh-eating recorded in Mahayana sutras.

Do Buddhists have a Bible?

Buddhists do not have a universally agreed-upon collection or version of scriptures. However, there are three separate canons or collections of Buddhist scriptures that are generally recognized and used by the three main branches of Buddhism today. These are the Pali Canon, the Chinese Canon, and the Tibetan Canon.

How to be a Buddhist today?

Yes, anyone can become a Buddhist. You will need to take refuge in the Triple Gem and follow a ceremony during which you take a vow to uphold the Five Precepts (to not kill, not steal, not commit sexual misconduct, refrain from false speech and not take intoxicants that lessen your awareness).

What is the goal of nirvana?

Nirvana. The goal of Buddhism is to become enlightened and reach nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be attainable only with the elimination of all greed, hatred, and ignorance within a person. Nirvana signifies the end of the cycle of death and rebirth.

What are the 5 Buddhist rules?

The five precepts are the guidelines that form the foundation of Buddhist ethics. The precepts are: not killing, not stealing, not misusing sex, not engaging in false speech, and not indulging in intoxicants. Many new Buddhists take the five precepts with their refuge vow.

Why did Buddhism see a decline under song rule?

There were many reasons for the decline of Buddhism (Fojiao 佛教) after the Tang period 唐. The most apparent factor destroying the eminent position of Buddhism in Chinese society, economy and politics were the several persecutions of Buddhism and other religions during the 8th and 9th centuries.

Did Buddha play an instrument?

Museum of Art showing the Buddha in a previous incarnation playing the harp. To put the scene in context an account is given of music in the life of the Buddha. While music figured at decisive moments of his life, its influence was hardly laudable.

Which Buddhist precept is anti music?

The Seventh Precept – articulated, as Theravada Buddhists believe, by the Buddha himself – includes an unambiguous prohibition on monks participating in music.

What did Buddha teach people?

What the Buddha taught deities, he taught people; what he taught people, he taught devas and brahmas: just the universal fact of suffering, and the way to the cessation of suffering — morality, concentration, and wisdom. Learned much and is virtuous. They free many people from bondage. Within this very life itself. (It 84)

What language did the Buddha teach in?

The Buddha taught in the language of the ordinary people, Prakrit, so that everybody could understand his message. What was the language used to compose the Vedas? He also encouraged people to think for themselves rather than to simply accept what he said. Find History textbook solutions? He gave his teachings to people in their own language.

Where are the teachings of Buddha recorded?

The teachings of Buddha are recorded in The Tipitaka. It is written in Pali (Ancient Italian language), and also called the Pali Canon. The Tipitaka is very detailed. It was written by over 500 disciples, has over 24 million characters, and is spread out into 40 different books.

What is a resolutely modern exposition of Buddhism?

“An exposition of Buddhism conceived in a resolutely modern spirit.” —from the Foreword. This indispensable volume is a lucid and faithful account of the Buddha’s teachings. For years,” says the Journal of the Buddhist Society, the newcomer to Buddhism has lacked a simple and reliable introduction to the complexities of the subject. Dr.
What the Buddha Taught: Audio for Your Journey

You’re curious about Buddhism, but maybe you’re not ready to dive into a whole book just yet. That’s totally understandable! We all have different ways of learning, and for some, listening is the key.

That’s where audio comes in. Listening to teachings, stories, and guided meditations can be a wonderful way to explore the Buddha’s wisdom. It’s like having a personal teacher guiding you, right there in your pocket.

Let’s unpack the main themes the Buddha taught. You’ll hear these concepts repeated throughout different teachings, so getting a handle on them will help you understand the Buddha’s message.

1. The Four Noble Truths: These truths are the foundation of the Buddha’s teachings, kind of like the building blocks of Buddhism. Think of it like this:

Truth 1: Suffering (Dukkha): Life is filled with suffering, not just the big, dramatic stuff, but also the little annoyances and frustrations. It’s unavoidable, like the weather.
Truth 2: The Origin of Suffering (Samudaya): The source of suffering is attachment, craving, and clinging to things that are impermanent (they won’t last forever). Think about how much you suffer when you lose something you hold dear.
Truth 3: The Cessation of Suffering (Nirodha): Suffering can stop! You can reach a state of liberation, free from suffering, through the Noble Eightfold Path.
Truth 4: The Path to the Cessation of Suffering (Magga): The Noble Eightfold Path is the way to achieve liberation. It’s not a one-time thing, but a path you walk throughout your life.

2. The Noble Eightfold Path: This isn’t a list of eight things you check off and then you’re done. It’s a way of living that guides you towards liberation.

Right Understanding: You start by understanding the Four Noble Truths and the causes of suffering.
Right Thought: Cultivate wholesome, positive thoughts and let go of negative, harmful ones.
Right Speech: Speak kindly and truthfully, avoiding gossip, lies, and harsh words.
Right Action: Act ethically and with compassion, avoiding harm to yourself and others.
Right Livelihood: Choose a way of making a living that doesn’t harm yourself or others.
Right Effort: Make a conscious effort to cultivate positive qualities and abandon negative ones.
Right Mindfulness: Be present in the moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
Right Concentration: Develop concentration and focus through meditation.

3. The Three Poisons: These are like mental toxins that keep us stuck in suffering.

Greed (Lobha): Desire for things we don’t have, clinging to what we have, and always wanting more.
Aversion (Dvesha): Hatred, anger, and resentment towards people or situations that we don’t like.
Delusion (Moha): Ignorance, misunderstanding, and clinging to false beliefs that distort our view of reality.

4. Karma: This is the law of cause and effect, not just in this life, but throughout your existence. Your actions, whether good or bad, have consequences. The good news is that you can shape your future by choosing wholesome actions.

5. Impermanence (Anicca): Everything is constantly changing. Nothing lasts forever, not even your physical body. Understanding this helps us let go of attachments and embrace the flow of life.

6. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: These are like practices to cultivate awareness.

Mindfulness of the body (Kayanupassana): Observe your body sensations, like breathing, posture, and movements.
Mindfulness of feelings (Vedananupassana): Observe your emotions and feelings, both positive and negative.
Mindfulness of the mind (Cittanupassana): Observe your thoughts and mental states, without judgment.
Mindfulness of phenomena (Dhammanupassana): Observe the impermanence of all things and the interconnectedness of all things.

7. Meditation (Bhavana): The Buddha taught many different types of meditation, but the most common one is Vipassanā, or insight meditation. This involves observing your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. It helps you gain clarity and understanding of your own mind.

Finding Audio Teachings:

Now that you have a bit of context, where can you actually find these teachings in audio format?

YouTube: There are tons of Buddhist teachers on YouTube. You can find lectures, guided meditations, and even full-length audio books.
Podcast Apps: There are also a number of great Buddhist podcasts available. Search for “Buddhism” or “Meditation” in your favorite podcast app.
Audiobooks: Many books about Buddhism are available as audiobooks. Look for authors like Thich Nhat Hanh, Ajahn Brahm, or Pema Chödrön.
Websites: There are a number of websites that offer free Buddhist audio teachings. Some popular ones include, Plum Village, and Insight Timer.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try different teachers and styles of teachings. You might find you connect with some more than others.
Don’t take it too seriously: Buddhism is about finding your own path, not following rigid rules.
Be patient: It takes time to learn and understand these teachings.


Q: What is the best way to listen to audio teachings?

A: The best way is to find a quiet space where you can focus and relax. You can listen while walking, cooking, or even before bed. The important thing is to be present and attentive.

Q: Can I meditate while listening to audio teachings?

A: You can, but it’s not always recommended. Guided meditations are best for starting to meditate. But if you’re listening to a talk or a story, it’s best to focus on the audio and then try a guided meditation afterwards.

Q: What if I don’t understand something?

A: That’s okay! Buddhist teachings can be complex. You can always rewind, take notes, or look up the terms you don’t understand.

Q: Can listening to audio teachings help me become a better person?

A: Absolutely! The Buddha’s teachings are about developing compassion, understanding, and wisdom. These qualities can lead to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

Q: Is Buddhism a religion?

A: Buddhism is often described as a philosophy or a way of life, rather than a religion. It’s not about worshipping a deity, but about understanding the nature of reality and cultivating a better way of living.

By exploring the Buddha’s teachings through audio, you can open your mind to new ways of thinking and living. You may find that the Buddha’s wisdom is not just for monks and nuns, but for everyone seeking a more mindful and fulfilling life.

See more here: What Does The Buddha Teach Us? | What The Buddha Taught Audio

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Long regarded as one of the best introductions to Buddhism, What the Buddha Taught draws on the actual words spoken by the Buddha to give a lucid and accurate account of

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Buy What The Buddha Taught Book Online At Low Prices In India | What The Buddha Taught Reviews & Ratings – Amazon.In
Dhanumathya | Have You Ever Wondered “What The Buddha Taught” . To Watch  Full Video Click On The Link In Bio! . #Book #Booklover #Bookaddict… |  Instagram
Dhanumathya | Have You Ever Wondered “What The Buddha Taught” . To Watch Full Video Click On The Link In Bio! . #Book #Booklover #Bookaddict… | Instagram
Buddhist Studies: Primary Level Unit 4. What The Buddha Taught
Buddhist Studies: Primary Level Unit 4. What The Buddha Taught
Secrets Of The Buddha - Audiobook - Unknown - Isbn 9798887674667 - Storytel
Secrets Of The Buddha – Audiobook – Unknown – Isbn 9798887674667 – Storytel
What The Buddha Taught By Walpola Rahula | Goodreads
What The Buddha Taught By Walpola Rahula | Goodreads
Four Noble Truths Audio Quick Guide | Claire Villarreal
Four Noble Truths Audio Quick Guide | Claire Villarreal

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