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Is Elena Sired To Damon: The Shocking Truth

Does Elena still choose Damon after the sire bond?

It’s not until the very end of the season that all is finally revealed. In a fan-favorite scene, Elena confesses her love for Damon after breaking the sire bond. Their kiss in front of the fireplace is still one of the best moments of the entire show, and The Vampire Diaries love triangle comes to a permanent end.

Did Elena only sleep with Damon because of the sire bond?

Stefan blamed everything on the sire bond but they were all compelled to tell the truth. Elena said “I slept with Damon because I’m in love with him.” Plus we all know that he had been in love with her forever and according to her, she had been in love with him since her 18th birthday.

Would Elena have been sired to Stefan?

At the end of season 3, it’s been shown that Elena had feelings for both Stefan and Damon, but what she felt for Stefan far eclipsed her feelings for Damon. So if Stefan’s blood turned her, she would likely be sired to him. On top of that they were apparently soulmates.

Who sired Damon?

Julie Plec confirmed that Klaus is the origin of the bloodline Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Elena are from. It is possible to unlink a vampire from their bloodline using magic. This was successfully performed on Klaus by Davina. For reasons unknown, Klaus never sired new vampires after his sireline was severed.

How did Elena break Damons sire bond?

The sired vampire can do this themselves or be told by their sire to do it. In Stand By Me, Damon has Elena turn off her emotions because she couldn’t deal with her brother Jeremy’s death. This broke the sire bond between him and Elena.

Do Damon and Elena divorce?

Elena said her goodbye to a dying Stefan, before living a long and happy life with Damon, whom she married. Though a few years later, Elena and Damon divorced; with Elena getting custody of their five children. Elena is a member of the Petrova Family, and a member of the Gilbert Family.

What happens after Elena is sired to Damon?

After Elena became a vampire, she became sired to Damon and they slept together. According to Plec during an interview with TVLine, Elena “really believes what she feels is 100 percent genuine and real”, and the couple “wants to be together and realizes that they shouldn’t, yet really wants to.

Does Damon set Elena free from the sire bond?

We are not “made to believe that Elena turning off her emotions broke the bond”, Elena turning her emotions off DID break the sirebond because their sirebond was based off her love for him, and once she turned off her humanity that love was gone, meaning she wasn’t bonded to him anymore.

Do Elena and Elijah have a baby?

Elijah Mikaelson: Elijah is the current husband of Elena Gilbert and the father of their son, Johnathan Mikaelson and an unnamed daughter. He is also the step-father of Jenna, Grayson, Zachary, Stefanie, and Sarah Salvatore. Elian Konstantinov: Elian is the former lover of Katherine and the biological father of Nadia.

Why is Stefan and Damon not sired to Katherine?

Also sore bond is broken when they turn off their humanity , Sefen had turned it off as soon as he turned and Damon also did it later on so they basically broke the sire bond even before realisu that they had it.

Who are Elena Gilbert’s real parents?

Isobel Flemming was the wife of Alaric Saltzman and the biological mother of Elena Gilbert. She was good friends with her ancestor Katherine Pierce, a vampire she often conspired with. When Isobel was still in high school, she met John Gilbert and became pregnant with Elena.

Who turned Lily Salvatore?

When Lily was very sick with consumption, she was sent away by Giuseppe. An unknown nurse (who was assumed to have been a vampire) had fed her vampire blood while she was held in the TB ward. Lily did end up dying of consumption, triggering her transformation into a vampire.

Who is Stefan and Damon’s half brother?

The Salvatore brothers were not only Damon and Stefan. They also had a half-brother whom, with an unknown woman, sired Zachariah. Zachariah Salvatore was a member of the Founder’s Council until his passing and left a son who continued the Salvatore line.

Did Klaus lose his sire line?

Davina Claire made sure to get rid of this technicality, finally severing Klaus from his sireline in Season 3 of The Originals. This meant that now, Klaus could be killed, and the vampires he had created would not die along with him.

Why did Damon leave Elena?

After he tells her the truth, they mutually decide to end their relationship as they realize they have too much control over each other. However they end up sleeping together. But after that, Elena tells Damon that he has to let her go until they can figure things out.

What did Elena mean when he was sired to Damon?

Elena was sired to Damon because she had feelings for him before she turned and because it was Damon’s blood that Merideth Fell had pinched from him she used to heal her head injury.

Does Elena have Damon’s baby?

Stefanie is the witch daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert; the younger sister of Jenna, Grayson, and Zachary Salvatore; the older sister of Sarah Salvatore, and the older half-sister of Macaria, Johnathan, and Alatheia Mikaelson. Due to his marriage to Elena, Elijah Mikaelson is her step-father.

Who does Bonnie end up with?

It made changes from the books, such as Bonnie and Damon not dating. Bonnie instead ends up in a romantic relationship with Enzo toward the end of the show. The two never got to live their lives together since Enzo died. On the other hand, Bonnie got to live her life and eventually grow old.

Why did Elena leave the show?

Summary. Nina Dobrev’s departure from The Vampire Diaries in its sixth season was unexpected, but she wanted to move on from playing a teenager. Dobrev played multiple characters throughout the series, including Elena, a dopplegänger, and other crucial roles in the show’s mythology.

Did Elena only love Damon because of the sire bond?

Yes, the hybrid one did not effect their feelings because it was not born from their feelings of Klaus, but this is different. Elena’s sirebond was born out of her feelings for Damon. They already said her feelings were magnified for him-So that is admitting that it effected her feelings.

How many children do Damon and Elena have?

This is the family relationship between the vampire, Damon Salvatore; the tribrid-doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert; and their hybrid children, Grayson; Sarah; and Stefanie Salvatore.

Who turns Elena into a vampire?

This is because of a spell Bonnie cast, binding Elena and John’s life forces together. Both Elena and her mother Isobel were both turned by Damon’s blood into a vampire. They are also one of three mother/daughter vampires seen in the series to date.

When did Elena first realize she loved Damon?

11 Elena Realized Her Feelings for Damon in “The Birthday” This was also the moment when Elena realized, in retrospect, that she loved Damon. Her feelings were understandably complicated, but she knew, deep in her heart, that she was in love with the older Salvatore.

What episode does Damon find out Elena is pregnant?

“Black Hole Sun” is the 4th episode of the sixth season of the American series The Vampire Diaries and the series’ 115th episode overall. “Black Hole Sun” was originally aired on October 23, 2014, on The CW.

What happened to Elsa Salvatore?

She was turned into a vampire by Katherine Pierce in 1864. At the time of arriving at Mystic Falls, she and Damon were close and mostly tease and taunted Stefan. In 1866, she had left Mystic Falls and travelled down to New Orleans where she met the Mikaelson family.

What happens after Elena is sired to Damon?

After Elena became a vampire, she became sired to Damon and they slept together. According to Plec during an interview with TVLine, Elena “really believes what she feels is 100 percent genuine and real”, and the couple “wants to be together and realizes that they shouldn’t, yet really wants to.

Does Damon set Elena free from the sire bond?

We are not “made to believe that Elena turning off her emotions broke the bond”, Elena turning her emotions off DID break the sirebond because their sirebond was based off her love for him, and once she turned off her humanity that love was gone, meaning she wasn’t bonded to him anymore.

Why did Elena choose Damon in the end?

Following her transformation into a vampire, she remembered the memories Damon made her forget and grew tired of Stefan’s desire to “fix” her instead of accepting her. Enjoying how Damon made her feel alive, her relationship with Stefan ended and she began a relationship with Damon.

Why did Elena become sired to Damon?

Elena became sired to Damon because her feelings for Damon got heightened when she became a vampire. Once Elena turned off her humanity (by following Damon’s orders making her do so), she had no more human-like feelings (including her feelings for Damon), resulting in Elena breaking the sire bond.

Why did Elena become a sire?

However, since sire bonds are extremely rare, it doesn’t happen this time around. Elena had true feelings for Damon before she died with his blood in her system. Elena became sired to Damon because her feelings for Damon got heightened when she became a vampire.

Why did Elena break the sire bond?

Once Elena turned off her humanity (by following Damon’s orders making her do so), she had no more human-like feelings (including her feelings for Damon), resulting in Elena breaking the sire bond. Stefan brings this up to Damon in S4 while Elena has no humanity.

Do Elena and Damon have a relationship in the Vampire Diaries?

Elena and Damon have a popular relationship in The Vampire Diaries, but their sire bond storyline is one of the least logical parts of the show.
Okay, let’s talk about Elena and Damon, and whether they are actually sired to each other. This is a question that pops up all the time among fans of *The Vampire Diaries*. We all know Damon turned Elena into a vampire, and the whole sire bond thing is a big deal in the world of vampires. So, did Damon actually sireElena?

Well, the answer is no, Elena wasn’t sired to Damon. Sire bond is a complex thing, and it doesn’t work exactly how we might expect. It’s not just about the vampire who turned you. It’s about more than that.

Let’s break it down.

The sire bond is a psychological connection between a vampire and their newly turned vampire. It’s like a strong emotional bond. But it’s not always automatic. You see, sire bond is something that needs to be cultivated.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

If a vampire turns another, but they don’t have a strong emotional connection to their newly made vampire, then no sire bond will form. It’s almost like there has to be a mutual desire between the vampire and their newly turned vampire for the sire bond to be established.

In Elena’s case, Damon did turn her, but the emotional bond between them was complex and had a lot of ups and downs. Their relationship went through phases of love, anger, hatred, and even jealousy. It wasn’t always a smooth road. And because their emotional connection wasn’t consistently strong, Elena and Damon never formed a sire bond.

Now, we’re talking about the TVD universe. It’s a fictional world, and the rules are a bit different there. But, based on the way sire bond is presented in the show, Elena and Damon didn’t have a sire bond. They had a passionate, intense, and sometimes messy relationship, but it wasn’t the kind of connection that would have triggered a sire bond.

So, to answer the question directly: No, Elena wasn’t sired to Damon. They had a complicated relationship, but it wasn’t the right kind of relationship to create a sire bond.

Let’s talk about some other things that are important to understand when it comes to sire bond in the TVD universe.

A vampire can have more than one sire bond.

This might seem surprising, but sire bond isn’t necessarily a one-to-one thing. A vampire can be sired to multiple other vampires, especially if they have strong emotional connections with more than one. We saw this happen with Stefan and Klaus. Stefan was sired to Klaus, but he also had a strong connection with Damon, and that connection also turned into a sire bond.

Sire bond can be broken.

Sire bond is powerful, but it can be broken. We saw this happen with Caroline and Klaus. Caroline was initially sired to Klaus, but through their relationship, Caroline gained enough strength and control to break the sire bond. This shows that while sire bond can be a strong connection, it’s not necessarily unbreakable.

Let’s talk about how sire bond works in the show:

Control. The main effect of sire bond is control. The vampire who sired someone can control their actions. This means the sired vampire may be compelled by the vampire who sired them. It’s like a strong leash that the sire has over the sired.

Emotional Connection. Sire bond is heavily influenced by the emotional connection between the sire and the sired. The stronger the emotional connection, the stronger the sire bond is.

Breaking Sire Bond. While sire bond is a strong connection, it can be broken. It might take time, willpower, and a lot of effort, but it is possible for a sired vampire to break free from the sire bond.

The sire bond is a fascinating aspect of the vampire world, and The Vampire Diaries does a good job of exploring this concept. The show demonstrates that sire bond is not simply about the act of turning someone into a vampire. It’s about the emotional connection between the sire and the sired.

We’ve talked about sire bond in the TVD universe, but how about in other vampire stories?

The Vampire Chronicles: In Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, sire bond is a much deeper and more spiritual connection between vampires. It’s about a shared bloodline, a connection to the Old Ones, and a sense of family. In the Vampire Chronicles, sire bond is not just about control but also about love, loyalty, and duty.

Twilight Saga: In Twilight, sire bond is more about physical connection than emotional connection. The sire is considered to be the master, and the sired is like their slave. It’s a more power-based dynamic, with little emphasis on the emotional side of the relationship.

As we’ve seen, sire bond is a concept that is explored in different ways in different vampire stories. But one thing remains consistent: it is a complex and fascinating aspect of the vampire world.

Let’s answer some common questions about sire bond and Elena and Damon:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can Damon control Elena if they didn’t have a sire bond?

A: While Damon didn’t have a sire bond with Elena, he could still influence her. Vampires have compelling powers, which they can use to influence others. So even without a sire bond, Damon could still exert influence over Elena.

Q: Was Elena compelled by Damon to fall in love with him?

A:No, Elena’s feelings for Damon were real. Damon used his compelling powers on Elena, but he never used them to make her fall in love with him. Elena’s feelings for Damon developed over time, and they were based on their interactions and experiences.

Q: Did Elena and Damon ever have a sire bond?

A:No, Elena and Damon never had a sire bond. Their emotional connection was too complex, and they weren’t committed to each other enough for a sire bond to form.

Q: Did Elena have a sire bond with Stefan?

A:No, Elena didn’t have a sire bond with Stefan. Even though Stefan turned her, there wasn’t the kind of emotional connection between them that would have triggered a sire bond.

Q: If Elena wasn’t sired to Damon, then who was she sired to?

A: Elena was never sired to anyone. As we discussed, sire bond requires a deep emotional connection, and Elena didn’t have that kind of connection with either Damon or Stefan.

Q: If sire bond can be broken, can it also be created?

A: The TVD universe doesn’t really address this, but it seems likely that a sire bond can’t be intentionally created. It seems to develop naturally based on a deep emotional connection between vampires.

Q: What is the purpose of sire bond?

A: The purpose of sire bond isn’t clear-cut. In some cases, it’s presented as a way for vampires to control their newly turned vampires. But in other cases, it’s presented as a powerful emotional connection. Ultimately, the purpose of sire bond seems to be to explore the complex relationships between vampires.

Q: Does sire bond only exist in the TVD universe?

A: No, sire bond is a concept that exists in many different vampire stories. It’s a popular way to explore the complexities of vampire relationships, and the TVD universe isn’t the only one to use this concept.

Q: Is sire bond a real thing in real life?

A:No, sire bond is not a real thing. It’s a fictional concept that’s used in vampire stories to explore the relationships between vampires. There’s no scientific evidence to suggest that sire bond is a real phenomenon.

I hope that helps to clear things up about Elena and Damon. Let me know if you have any other questions.

See more here: Did Elena Only Sleep With Damon Because Of The Sire Bond? | Is Elena Sired To Damon

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Damon And Elena’S Epic Love Story | The Vampire Diaries | Tiktok
Tvdu - Etsy
Tvdu – Etsy
The Vampire Diaries - Twin Flames |Damonღelena| #1775: “Listen Carefully.  Get In Your Car. Right Now And Come To Me” – Damon To Elena - Page 13 - Fan  Forum
The Vampire Diaries – Twin Flames |Damonღelena| #1775: “Listen Carefully. Get In Your Car. Right Now And Come To Me” – Damon To Elena – Page 13 – Fan Forum
Vampire Diaries': A Look Back...And Ahead!
Vampire Diaries’: A Look Back…And Ahead!
Elena Gilbert | The Sire Bond - Youtube
Elena Gilbert | The Sire Bond – Youtube
Why Does Elena End Up With Damon | Tiktok
Why Does Elena End Up With Damon | Tiktok
Watch The Best 'Vampire Diaries' Delena Moments Before The Series Finale |  Ibtimes
Watch The Best ‘Vampire Diaries’ Delena Moments Before The Series Finale | Ibtimes

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