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How Is The Ending Of The Interlopers Ironic?

The Interlopers” Saki - Ppt Download

What is the irony at the end of The Interlopers?

Instead of being rescued by one of their hunting parties, they are discovered by a pack of wolves. The irony in the story’s end lies in the fact that the central characters have overcome a multigenerational feud only to die anyway.

What does the ending of The Interlopers mean?

In the last word of the story, we learn that the approaching figures are not men. They are wolves. The final irony of the story is that each man abandons his vendetta only to succumb to the forest that drove their original enmity.

Which statement best explains the irony at the end of The Interlopers?

Which statement best explains the irony at the end of “The Interlopers”? Just when Ulrich and Georg agree to work together, their calls attract deadly wolves instead of helpful humans; this ending is the opposite of what is expected.

What makes the ending ironic?

An ironic ending in a story is one where the outcome is unexpectedly different from what might have been anticipated, often revealing a contradiction. This could be shown, for example, in a character who pursues wealth, only to lose everything and discover the real treasure was familial relationships.

What foreshadows the ending of The Interlopers?

The forest is full of animals that should be sleeping, and their flight indicates that there are also predators in the woods. Saki makes this clear early in the story to foreshadow its ending, when Ulrich and his foe are trapped beneath the tree.

What is an example of an ironic ending?

Romeo & Juliet contains one of the best-known examples of dramatic irony in literary history. At the end of the play, Juliet fakes her own death with the intention of running away with Romeo. The audience knows she’s not really dead, but Romeo doesn’t, so when he sees her, he thinks she’s killed herself.

What makes the end of the story surprising in The Interlopers?

Expert-Verified Answer In the “The Interlopers” by Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) the ending is a surprise because Georg Znaeym and Ulrich von Gradwitz become friends, but die anyway. In this short story, archenemies Georg and Ulrich wanted to resolve their three generation long conflict by duel in the woods.

What is the deeper meaning of The Interlopers?

The main theme in ”The Interlopers” is that hatred can lead to tragedy. This is shown when the two main characters are trapped by natural elements and then killed by wolves as a result of their attempts to kill one another over a long-standing family feud.

What is the surprise ending in The Interlopers?

The surprise ending is that wolves reach Ulrich and Georg at the end of the story. Wolves reaching the two men at the end of the story is appropriate. Ulrich and Georg have been the enemy of one another throughout the story.

How does Saki use irony in The Interlopers?

Examples of irony in ‘The Interlopers’ include the missed chance for reconciliation between the feuding characters and the unexpected ending with the wolves instead of rescue parties.

What makes the ending situational irony?

Create unexpected twists: By presenting a situation where the outcome is the opposite of what the reader expected, situational irony adds an element of surprise and keeps the audience engaged and entertained.

What is the irony in The Interlopers quizlet?

Ulrich’s wish is to find George poaching on his land so that he can be alone with him to kill him. After this, Ulrich gets his wish with being alone with him but does not kill him because they both end up being trapped. This is ironic because the theme is “be careful what you wish for”.

Why is the ending of the story ironic or the opposite of what you would expect Charles?

The rebellious Charles is so real to Laurie’s family that he actually becomes the family scapegoat. This makes him real to the reader, as well. Therefore, when Laurie’s teacher reveals that there is no Charles, it is an unexpected conclusion and an example of situational irony.

What is the ironic twist in the story?

Situational irony is when a character’s actions produce an unexpected twist or outcome based on the specific situation, usually the opposite of the character expectations. In this type of irony, the situation or conditions create part of the surprise or unexpected twist of fate.

How is the ending of the story the third level ironic?

Answer: The non-existent third level of Grand Central station offers just such an escape: it is a kind of portal to the past. The ending is ironic because it is the narrator Charley’s “psychiatrist friend” Sam who makes it back to Galesburg, Illinois in 1894, not Charley himself.

What is ironic about the way the story ends The Interlopers?

Answer and Explanation: In The Interlopers, the irony is that the two men intended to murder each other that day. After a calamity, the two men settle their feud and become friends.

What is irony in The Interlopers?

It is ironic that the two men, driven by hate for one another, hesitate instead of acting when they have the opportunity to shoot the other and instead both end up at the mercy of nature.

What is the mood at the end of The Interlopers?

The end of the short story brings violence back to the heart of these character’s lives. The implication that they are attacked by wolves leaves the reader with an ironic and pessimistic view of their attempted reconciliation, and the mood sours, becoming violent and gloomy once more.

What is irony in this story?

Irony in literature is a situation where there is a contrast between reality and expectations. The powerful literary device, irony, occurs when the actual meaning of a word is the opposite of what is stated, thereby showing an incongruity, that is, a situation at odds with what is true or real.

What is irony involving an unexpected ending?

Situational irony is when the outcome of a situation is totally different from what people expect. This type of irony is a literary technique that’s riddled with contradictions and contrasts. Situational irony often leads to humor or a deeper reflection on the unpredictability of life and circumstances.

What is the irony in ironic?

According to him, the irony of the song may not necessarily be in the situations themselves, but rather in the dramatic irony – when someone is unaware of the significance of the event while others are: the situations aren’t ironic themselves, but life itself is ironic.

What truth is revealed in The Interlopers?

In The Interloper, the truth is that neither Georg nor Ulrich own the land that their families are fighting over in the story. The land that they are fighting over belongs to Nature, and Nature made it clear that her claim to the land was superior to theirs and that she commands the creatures in her domain.

How does the author build suspense at the end of The Interlopers?

Final answer: The author of ‘The Interlopers’ builds suspense at the end of the story through the use of foreshadowing, unexpected events, and the wolves’ ominous presence.

What is the solution in The Interlopers?

In The Interlopers, the man versus man conflict is resolved by the two men burying their hatred for each other and becoming friends. The second conflict, man versus nature, is left unresolved by the author. The reader does not know if one or both men are killed by the wolves running towards them.

What makes the ending of The Interlopers surprising?

They’ve spent their lives fighting each other, each thinking that his opponent is the interloper. But nature (the wolves) show that both men have been interloping on their (wolves’) land. So, it is morbid but logical that the true interlopers are exposed in the end.

What happens at the end of The Interlopers?

Saki’s short story “The Interlopers” has a tragic, poignant ending as Georg and Ulrich helplessly await their brutal deaths as a pack of wolves runs towards them.

What is the moral of the story The Interlopers?

The moral of “The Interlopers” is that hatred is destructive. In the story, both men are in the forest because of their mutual hatred. Their presence there causes them to be trapped under a tree and ultimately killed by wolves.

What is the irony at the end of The Importance of Being Earnest?

The greatest way that dramatic irony is shown is at the end when every thing came together and Earnest admitted that his name was, in fact, Jack. He ad- mitts to everyone that he is an only child and Algy is nothing more than his ornery friend and not actually his brother.

What is the surprise ending of The Interlopers?

In the “The Interlopers” by Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) the ending is a surprise because Georg Znaeym and Ulrich von Gradwitz become friends, but die anyway. In this short story, archenemies Georg and Ulrich wanted to resolve their three generation long conflict by duel in the woods.

What is the irony in the last lesson?

The story is also full of irony. The French people, who were once proud of their language and culture, were now regretting not learning German. This irony shows the colonial mindset of the French people who believed in their superiority over others.

How does Saki use irony in The Interlopers?

Examples of irony in ‘The Interlopers’ include the missed chance for reconciliation between the feuding characters and the unexpected ending with the wolves instead of rescue parties.

What is the irony in the interlopers?

In “The Interlopers,” the irony is that Ulrich and Georg are about to reconcile their differences when they are attacked by wolves. Metaphor: A comparison between two things that are not alike. In “The Interlopers,” Saki uses the metaphor of the forest as a “grim, hostile, and treacherous” force that opposes the characters.

Why is it ironic that the two men consider each other interlopers?

It is ironic that the two men, driven by hate for one another, hesitate instead of acting when they have the opportunity to shoot the other and instead both end up at the mercy of nature. It is ironic that the two men consider one another to be the interlopers when in fact they are the intruders in an otherwise undisturbed forest. What’s In a Name?

Is the interlopers a good story?

Saki’s “The Interlopers” is an engaging short story of rivalry and suspense. Its famous twist ending packs a lot of power, especially for a younger reader. This is one of the first stories with a surprise ending that I can remember reading.

How many interlopers are mentioned in the story?

There are several interlopers mentioned and implied in the story. Ulrich and Georg each view the other as an interloper. Ulrich has the legal right to the land, which makes Georg an interloper whenever he poaches on it. Georg doesn’t accept the Courts’ judgment and, thus, views Ulrich as the interloper.
The ending of “The Interlopers” is a masterclass in irony, leaving readers with a chilling and unexpected twist. We see this irony in the story’s central theme, the characters’ actions, and the ultimate resolution. Let’s explore why it’s considered such a powerful example of irony.

The Heart of the Irony: “The Interlopers” & The Nature of Conflict

The story revolves around two families, the Znayems and the Gradwitz, who have been locked in a bitter feud for generations over a strip of forestland. This conflict has become a deeply ingrained part of their identities, even influencing their actions and decisions.

The story’s irony stems from the core of this conflict itself. Both Ulrich and Georg, the protagonists, are consumed by their rivalry, believing that their actions are justified by the feud’s history. They are both interlopers in the truest sense, outsiders to reason and understanding. They’re blinded by their hatred, unable to see that the real enemy is not each other but the conflict itself.

A Twist of Fate & a Twist of Irony

The moment of irony emerges when a storm brings down a tree, trapping both Ulrich and Georg beneath its weight. This shared predicament forces them to confront the absurdity of their feud. Both men realize that the “enemy” is merely a reflection of themselves. Their animosity melts away, replaced by a shared sense of vulnerability and the urge to survive.

This moment of reconciliation, however, is short-lived. The irony comes to the forefront as they realize that they’ve been rescued by a group of poachers, not from their families or allies. The twist is that they are both killed by these poachers, victims of a conflict that exists outside of their feud. The irony lies in the fact that their bitter rivalry, which consumed their lives, fades into insignificance compared to the indifference of the poachers who are part of a different, larger conflict.

The Layers of Irony

The story’s ending is a perfect example of dramatic irony, where the audience is aware of something that the characters are not. The reader understands the irony of the situation – that their reconciliation is fleeting and ultimately futile.

We also see situational irony, where the outcome of events is the opposite of what is expected. The characters, finally finding common ground and a shared desire for peace, end up dying in a senseless act of violence. This contrast between their newfound unity and their tragic fate highlights the power of the conflict and its enduring nature.

Why “The Interlopers” Still Resonates

“The Interlopers” is more than just a story about a feud; it’s a commentary on the human condition. It speaks to the persistence of conflict, the limitations of human understanding, and the power of circumstance. The story’s irony is not simply a plot device; it is an integral part of its message, reminding us that the world often operates in ways that we can’t anticipate or control.


1. What is the main theme of “The Interlopers”?

The main theme of the story is the destructive nature of conflict, particularly when it’s based on blind prejudice and historical animosity. The story shows how conflict can consume individuals and lead them to act against their own self-interest.

2. Why is the ending of “The Interlopers” ironic?

The ending is ironic because it reveals the futility of the characters’ feud. They finally find common ground and reconcile, only to be killed by poachers, a conflict that existed outside of their own. This ironic twist underscores the power of outside forces and the limitations of human understanding.

3. What are the different types of irony in the story?

The story features dramatic irony, where the audience is aware of something the characters aren’t, and situational irony, where the outcome of events is the opposite of what is expected.

4. What is the significance of the “poachers” in the story?

The poachers represent the larger, more powerful forces that exist beyond the characters’ feud. Their presence highlights the indifference of the world to the characters’ conflict and the tragic nature of their demise. They are ultimately ironic figures who embody the futility of the characters’ rivalry.

5. Why is the story titled “The Interlopers”?

The title is significant because it points to the characters’ role as outsiders to reason and understanding. They are interlopers in the sense that they are caught in a conflict that they themselves have created, and they are ultimately victims of a larger force that exists beyond their comprehension.

The irony of “The Interlopers” is a powerful example of how literary devices can create a profound and lasting impact. The story’s ending leaves us with a sense of unease, reminding us of the fragility of life and the unpredictable nature of the world.

See more here: What Does The Ending Of The Interlopers Mean? | How Is The Ending Of The Interlopers Ironic

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