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Far Cry 5: How Did Joseph Seed Get Nukes?

The Collapse | Far Cry Wiki | Fandom

What caused the nukes in Far Cry 5?

The Collapse refers to a global nuclear catastrophe which occurred in September 2018, during the events of Far Cry 5. The Collapse was the result of escalating tensions between major world superpowers, which ultimately led to nuclear strikes on the United States.

How do you get the nuke ending in Far Cry 5?

“Good” Ending: Arrest Joseph Seed This will trigger a firefight with your hypnotized allies. You’ll emerge victorious from the skirmish, freeing your friends from Seed’s control. While you’re apprehending him, a nuclear bomb will detonate in the distance, an event unrelated to the game’s story.

Did Ajay Ghale nuke Montana?

Pagan: Control – Trivia Pagan tells Ajay they are now his to do with as he pleases. This is likely meant to explain the ending of Far Cry 5, where Montana is bombarded by nuclear missiles. Whether or not it was Ajay, Sabal, or Amita who discovered and launched the missiles is unknown.

Who let off the nuke Far Cry 5?

The nuke ending was real, but Joseph Seed himself set off the nukes, and it’s not a nuclear war. Advertisement: Joseph’s cult are in control of three missile silos, yet you never see any warheads.

How did Hurk survive the nuke?

Hurk survived the nuclear holocaust by living in a bunker in the company of his cousin Sharky, his mom Adelaide Drubman, her ex-husband Hurk Drubman Sr. and her current boyfriend, Xander Flynn.

What was John Seed’s sin?

Trivia. John has the word “sloth” engraved on his chest, implying this was his sin. He was named after John the Baptist in the Bible, given his name and being known as “The Baptist”.

Why did Pagan Min nuke Montana?

This is due to America’s interference into his personal life, into his country, and so on; thus, the nuclear weapon is pointed at the United States, with Pagan Min stating it’s aimed somewhere near Montana.

How did Pagan Min come to power?

Pagan Min won the power struggle to succeed his father by having his rival brothers killed. His chief ministers Maung Baing Zat and Maung Bhein enriched themselves by executing rich subjects. The Second Anglo-Burmese War broke out during the reign of Pagan Min.

Are Far Cry 5 and 6 connected?

2:Far cry 6 takes place after Far cry 5 but the collapse did not affect Yara either geographically due to its isolated location or economically due to the economic sanctions Yara suffered earlier.

Is America nuked in Far Cry 6?

In Far Cry 6, the world including the US were not destroyed in 2018, and the waves of sectarian violence incited by the Project at Eden’s Gate did not happen, or at least nowhere near the level seen in Far Cry 5, as the Seed Family are still alive with public online presence as of late 2021, likely because they were …

Is Pagan Min Ajay’s dad?

Though they are not related by blood, Pagan often displays a father-like demeanor toward Ajay, showing what he refers to as ‘tough love’ and, at times, going so far as to guide Ajay and even save his life.

Is Pagan Min still alive?

Castillo states that Pagan was later killed by his stepson Ajay, but his fate is left up to the player in Far Cry 4, and remains ambiguous following the secret ending of Far Cry 6 – Pagan: Control.

Was Joseph Seed crazy?

In Far Cry 5, Joseph is a charismatic but demented preacher who leads the Project at Eden’s Gate, a well-armed doomsday cult and paramilitary group that occupies the fictional Hope County in Montana, United States.

Is Dutch Dead in Far Cry 5?

A freed Joseph carries the unconscious Deputy to the bunker. The Deputy awakens handcuffed to a bed with Dutch dead on the floor.

Did Joseph Seed cause the collapse?

FC5 /New Dawn theory – Joseph Seed was the architect of The Collapse. The reason that Joseph Seed was so certain that The Collapse was coming is because he schemed to bring down the Apocalypse upon the world.

Why did Vaas go insane?

Hoyt and Citra had turned him into a psycho killer, they drove his mind insane and his sister betrayed Vaas by attempting to kill him with her knife despite his mind slowly descending into insanity due to drug abuse and a promise to become a warrior.

Is Vaas a bad guy?

He first appears as the secondary antagonist of the 2012 title Far Cry 3, and was extensively featured in promotional material for the game. Vaas is depicted as a capricious and mentally unstable character who antagonizes Far Cry 3’s main character Jason Brody, and also serves as his dark psychological mirror.

Did Vaas stab Jason?

Vaas stabs Jason with a knife, causing him to fall into a dream state. In this dream sequence, Jason finds and kills Vaas, which appears to have the same consequences outside of the dream.

Did Jacob Seed eat Miller?

Jacob killed and ate his exhausted army mate Miller during the Gulf War.

Does Joseph Seed regret what he did?

According to Joseph’s Diary, Joseph regretted being tolerant of his siblings’ sinful ways and seeks to be firmer with his son Ethan Seed.

Is Far Cry 5 a true story?

In Far Cry 5, Montana’s fictional cult uprising is led by a tenacious leader of its own – Joseph Seed. Just as charismatic as he is sadistic, Seed convinces his flock that the rapture is upon them and takes over a large portion of Montana so swiftly that the authorities begin to fear him.

Why was Pagan Min bad?

Driven by delusions of grandeur and hubris, a 21-year-old Pagan Min participated in the conflict on the arrogant belief that he could save the country from its status as a failed state, and ended up usurping the throne of Kyrat.

Who is the main villain in FC5?

Far Cry 5’s main villain is the prophetic Father, Joseph Seed. He believes he was appointed to spread God’s love but does so in the most extremist and violent ways possible.

Are Far Cry 6 and 5 in the same universe?

FC6 and FC5 are in the same universe.

How old was Ajay Ghale?

Ajay Ghale is the protagonist of Far Cry 4. His exact age is not given in the game, but it is suggested that he is in his late 20s or early 30s. It is known that Ajay was born in Kyrat, the fictional country where the game takes place, but he left as a child with his mother to live in the United States.

Is Pagan Min your step father?

He was furious! He was so angry he stabbed his own soldier to death, because he didn’t obey a very specific order. Pagan Min is the ruler of Kyrat, and is the stepfather to Ajay. He actually doesn’t hate Ajay.

Why did Pagan Min nuke Montana?

This is due to America’s interference into his personal life, into his country, and so on; thus, the nuclear weapon is pointed at the United States, with Pagan Min stating it’s aimed somewhere near Montana.

Did cheeseburger survive the nuke?

It is unknown what happened to Cheeseburger. A newspaper article located in the prepper stash location of the (now-abandoned) F.A.N.G center mentions that the “beloved bear” was “abandoned” by the public. However, it is not clear if this article was printed before or after the nuclear holocaust.

How did Pagan Min come to power?

Pagan Min won the power struggle to succeed his father by having his rival brothers killed. His chief ministers Maung Baing Zat and Maung Bhein enriched themselves by executing rich subjects. The Second Anglo-Burmese War broke out during the reign of Pagan Min.

What caused the nukes in Fallout?

Fallout’s nuclear apocalypse was thought to have been triggered by China going first. Tim Cain, co-creator of Fallout, said in an interview last year that it was indeed China who dropped the first nuke.

What was the collapse in Far Cry 5?

The Collapse refers to a global nuclear catastrophe which occurred in September 2018, during the events of Far Cry 5. The Collapse was the result of escalating tensions between major world superpowers, which ultimately led to nuclear strikes on the United States.

Did Joseph set off the nuclear bomb in Far Cry New Dawn?

Joseph didn’t set off the nuclear bomb, he predicted it and he was right. The bomb does destroy most of the world. In Far Cry New Dawn you get to see the post apocalyptic future, including learning which of your friends is still alive. Far Cry 6 takes place in an alternate universe. You will encounter a friend but otherwise it’s not the same world.

What happens at the end of Far Cry 5?

In one of the endings of Far Cry 5, you and all your allies you meet throughout the game arrest Joseph Seed, ultimately marking the end of Eden’s Gate. Problem is, after quoting the Book of Revelation again, a massive explosion takes place in the mountains, and the entire county starts falling to bits.

Does far Cry 5 have a nuclear war?

The in-game depiction of nuclear war in Far Cry 5 is deliberately unrealistic in order to create an overly dramatic backdrop for the final mission of the game. Even in the Cold War-era when nuclear powers possessed much greater amounts of nuclear weapons, nuclear carpet bombing was regarded as wasteful.
Alright, let’s talk about Far Cry 5 and Joseph Seed’s nukes. It’s a wild story, and it’s one of the things that makes the game so intriguing.

So, how did Joseph get nukes? The answer is, he didn’t!

It’s a bit of a misdirection, a red herring, a rabbit hole that the game leads you down, and it’s a big part of what makes Far Cry 5 so compelling.

The whole “nukes” thing actually revolves around a “doomsday” prophecy. The game’s story hinges on Joseph Seed’s belief in the “Second Coming”, a world-ending event that he believes will cleanse the world of sin.

The “nukes” are a part of this prophecy. Joseph, and his cult, believe that a nuclear war is coming, and they are preparing for it. Their “doomsday” belief leads them to believe that they are the chosen few who will survive this “apocalypse” and rebuild society in their image.

The “doomsday” propaganda is spread by Joseph through his “preaching” and “sermons” that can be heard through loudspeakers or seen on TVs throughout Hope County, Montana.

Remember that “Project at Eden’s Gate”? That’s not a random name, it’s a reference to the “Garden of Eden”. This is where the idea of “doomsday” and “apocalypse” come into play because “Eden” is, in the bible, the place where the world begins. It’s the place where humans were created.

So, the idea of “Project at Eden’s Gate” is that the cult members want to create their own “Garden of Eden” in Hope County, Montana. They’re essentially trying to set up a self-sufficient community that they believe will be protected from the “doomsday” that they are convinced is coming.

However, the “nuclear war” isn’t the main focus. It’s a bit of a “red herring” to distract you, keep you guessing, and lead you down a path of questioning what’s happening. It’s a way of manipulating you into the world of the “cult” and exploring their beliefs.

Far Cry 5 does a great job of blurring the lines between “reality” and “fiction”. It makes you question what’s real and what’s the result of the cult’s “propaganda”. That’s why you see things like the “doomsday bunker” and all the “nuclear weapons”.

It’s a way of immersing you in the “world” of the cult and understanding how their belief system functions. This belief system is driven by Joseph Seed’s charisma, his ability to “control” and “manipulate” his followers, which is all done through his “sermons”.

We see Joseph Seed as a “messianic” figure who manipulates his followers through fear and paranoia, all while making them believe that he’s the key to their “salvation”.

Now, even though the “nuclear war” never happens, the “doomsday” is still a critical aspect of the game. It reflects the “cult’s” paranoia and fear, which is something that makes the game even more disturbing, and ultimately, more compelling.

It’s a way of exploring the “dark side” of human psychology and the dangers of “blind faith”.

The “doomsday” propaganda, the “sermons” by Joseph Seed, and the “cult’s” beliefs are all part of the game’s overall theme of “control” and “manipulation”. It makes you question what you believe, how you’d react in a similar situation, and the power of manipulation.

So, in the end, Joseph Seed doesn’t get “nukes” – he doesn’t need them. The threat of “doomsday” is enough to manipulate his followers and control their actions.

It’s a bit like a “bait and switch” – a big red herring that draws you in and makes you think about what’s happening in the game. It’s a smart move by the developers, and it’s a big part of what makes Far Cry 5 such a unique and memorable game.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Far Cry 5 and Joseph Seed’s nukes.

Q: Why are there so many references to nukes in the game?

A: The references to nukes are a key part of the game’s “doomsday” propaganda. They are a way to manipulate the followers and make them believe that the world is ending.

Q: Why does Joseph Seed claim he has nukes?

A: Joseph Seed doesn’t actually have nukes. The “nukes” are a part of the “doomsday” propaganda, and a way to keep his followers under control.

Q: Where can I find the nukes in Far Cry 5?

A: You can’t find nukes in Far Cry 5. The game uses them as a plot device to create suspense and tension.

Q: Is there a real nuclear threat in Far Cry 5?

A: No, there’s no real nuclear threat in Far Cry 5. It’s just a part of the game’s story and a way to highlight the cult’s paranoia and belief in “doomsday”.

Q: How does the game’s story tie into the “doomsday” prophecy?

A: Joseph Seed’s beliefs are based on a “doomsday” prophecy that he believes will cleanse the world of sin. He uses the threat of “nuclear war” to control his followers and create a sense of fear and paranoia. He also uses the “doomsday” prophecy to justify his actions and convince his followers that he’s the only one who can save them.

Q: Is the “doomsday bunker” real?

A: Yes, the “doomsday bunker” is real, but it’s not what you might think. It’s a heavily guarded bunker that’s full of supplies and weapons, but there are no nukes.

Q: What is the real threat in Far Cry 5?

A: The real threat in Far Cry 5 is the “cult” itself. Joseph Seed is a master manipulator who uses fear, paranoia, and religion to control his followers. He wants to create his own “Garden of Eden” in Hope County, Montana, and he’ll do anything to achieve his goal.

Q: What is the “Project at Eden’s Gate”?

A:”Project at Eden’s Gate” is the “cult’s” plan to create their own “Garden of Eden” in Hope County, Montana. They’re trying to build a self-sufficient community that they believe will be protected from the “doomsday” that they’re convinced is coming.

Q: What happens to Joseph Seed in the end?

A: Joseph Seed is the final boss of the game, and his ultimate fate is up to you. You can choose to kill him or let him live.

Q: What is the meaning of Far Cry 5?

A:Far Cry 5 explores the dangers of blind faith, the power of manipulation, and the “dark side” of human psychology. It’s a game that makes you question what you believe and how you’d react in a similar situation.

Q: How does the game’s theme of “control” tie into the “doomsday” prophecy?

A:Joseph Seed’s beliefs are based on a “doomsday” prophecy that he uses to “control” his followers. He makes them believe that he’s the only one who can save them from the “apocalypse”. The “doomsday” propaganda and “sermons” are all part of his plan to “control” and “manipulate” his followers.

Remember, the real story of Far Cry 5 is about “control” and the “power” of manipulation. It’s not about “nukes” – it’s about the dangers of “blind faith” and the “dark side” of human nature.

See more here: How Do You Get The Nuke Ending In Far Cry 5? | Far Cry 5 How Did Joseph Get Nukes

What Actually Happened in the [spoiler] Ending of Far Cry 5?

Joseph basically had a vision of the world getting destroyed and believed he was chosed by god and would help prepare for the collapse by gathering land and and Reddit

Nuke Ending caused by Joseph Seed? :: Far Cry 5 General

So did Joseph Seed cause the nuke explosions at the end or was he just one of the many wackos that predicts the end of the world and just happened to be lucky this time? Also Steam Community

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Each Far Cry 5 ending is pretty vague and only one offers you the chance to give Joseph Seed what for, but if you are a true completionist, here is what you will see in each PCGamesN


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Subscribe CRY 5 FC5 2018 Final boss battle vs Joseph Seed and amazing ending with nukes explosions Support me/Donate: http://bit…. YouTube

Joseph Seed | Far Cry Wiki | Fandom

During Joseph’s stay at Dutch’s Bunker, Joseph Seed dreamt of a “shepherd” that would realize the paradise he prophesied. Joseph left New Eden in self-imposed exile to await

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THE ‘BAD’ ENDING. Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft. After taking down all of Joseph Seed’s lieutenants, you approach him at his church in the midst of his armored compound, where it seems he’s captured… Polygon

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Far Cry 5 concludes with you ending the world (or at least Hope County, Montana), being imprisoned with Joseph in a bunker, and becoming the newest member of the Seed family.

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