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Can You Return Crushed Beer Cans In Ontario?

Ontario Considering Deposit-And-Return System Like The Beer Store'S For  Non-Alcoholic Drink Containers | Cbc News : R/Ontario

Can you return beer cans in Ontario?

In Ontario, you can return eligible wine, beer and spirit containers to The Beer Store for a deposit return. When these containers are placed in your recycling bins, especially glass, additional and unnecessary costs are added to your recycling program.

Do you crush cans before returning?

Cleaning your beverage containers means less odor and germs. Leave tabs, labels and lids on plastic containers. While it is okay to squish plastic milk jugs, please don’t crush cans or bottles, they need to remain as is.

Should beer cans be crushed?

You do not have to crush your empty drink cans. Some people crush their recycled cans to create more room in their recycling bin, but this is optional. Your can is equally recyclable either way!

Is there a deposit on pop cans in Ontario?

Ontario consumers will no longer face a proposed “pop can tax” on non-alcoholic drinks such as pop and juice — they can instead expect to see an incentivized deposit-return system.

What is the container recycling fee in Ontario?

CRF is set by the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA). Starting April 1, 2023, the recycling fee is set at: Aluminum cans – $0.01 per container. PET Plastic up to and including 500ml – $0.02 per container.

Can cans be crushed for refund?

You shouldn’t crush your containers. We recommend you don’t crush containers, as most refund points can’t accept them if containers have been crushed.

Why can’t you crush cans for recycling?

The machines “see” the shape of items when determining where to put paper, glass, ferrous metal, aluminum, plastic, etc., but crushed cans don’t look like cans so they can go in the wrong place, fouling the system.

Will bottle depots take crushed cans?

Some depots might accept them, while others may not for logistical or operational reasons. It’s advisable to check with the specific depot regarding their policies. Crushing cans can save space and make transportation more efficient.

Does crushing cans make a difference?

Don’t crush aluminum cans before recycling because they can contaminate the batch.

Can you crush a beer can with your hand?

The combined force of your fingers pushing on the side of the can and your hand pushing the ends of the can into your head will crush the can.

Should you crush water bottles before recycling?

Crushing plastic bottles into smaller pieces makes them easier to recycle. This is because smaller pieces are easier to handle and melt down into new raw materials. According to a study from the University of Toronto, crushing plastic bottles into smaller pieces can increase their recyclability to as high as 90%.

What is the refund on beer cans in Ontario?

Consumers pay a refundable deposit at the time of purchase. This deposit is 100% refunded when the empty container is returned to the Beer Store. The recycling activities of our two deposit programs resulted in 203,914 tons of avoided green house gas emissions.

How many aluminum cans do you need to make $100?

How Many Aluminum Cans Does it Take to Make $100? At an average price of 5 cents per pound, you’d need about 5,000 cans to make $100. That could be significantly reduced if you live in an area that pays higher prices. At $2 per pound, you’d need just 1,600 cans (50 pounds).

Can you have empty beer cans in your car Ontario?

However, that might be the least of your troubles should police find an open can of beer or other alcohol container in your car. Empty containers are also likely causes of trouble, as police will assume that the driver may have been nipping from a “roadie” or two.

How much are 100 pop tabs worth?

His stay-on tab replaced the ring tab, which was invented in 1965. And yes, as long as they are aluminum, the old ring tabs are accepted today, Skiera said. * says a million pull tabs have a recycle value of about $366. A hundred have a scrap-metal value of about 3 and a half cents, though that fluctuates.

Is there a tax on pop cans in Ontario?

Not to be confused with a deposit return model, where consumers are able to return empty containers for cash (think The Beer Store,) this new non-refundable “Container Recycling Fee” will see consumers pay a levy of one cent on aluminum cans, two-cents on small PET plastic bottles, and three cents on all other sealed …

How much is a garbage bag full of cans worth?

How Much is a Garbage Bag Full of Cans Worth? A large, industrial-sized garbage bag can fit between 300 to 400 aluminum cans. If redeemed for 5 cents per can, you’d earn around $15 to $20 per bag.

Is Ontario consumers to pay new recycling fee on pop cans and other beverages starting April 1?

Under the CBCRA’s plan, consumers will begin paying a one-cent levy on aluminum cans, a two-cent levy on small PET plastic bottles and three cents on all other sealed, ready-to-drink non-alcoholic beverage containers in April. That includes everything from tetra packs to boxed water to steel cans of tomato juice.

Can you get 10 cents for wine bottles?

From 1 November 2023, you can get a 10 cent refund on glass wine and pure spirit bottles when they are returned to a container refund point in Queensland.

Are you supposed to crush water bottles for recycling?

We definitely can, and in fact it helps the process a lot. You should know that to recycle those plastic bottles into a new bottle, they need to be crushed and then shredded into pieces.

Can drink cans be recycled?

Both steel and aluminium can be recycled time and time again without losing any quality and more and more people are recycling their cans which helps to conserve non-renewable fossil fuels, reduce the consumption of energy and the emission of gasses like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Can you put any used aluminum products in your recycling bin?

You can simply rinse out your aluminum cans and place them in your curbside recycling bin. There’s not even a need to crush them.

Can I bring beer back from Canada?

Goods, Tax & Duty Free Canadians can bring 1L of alcohol (1L of spirits, wine and beer) and some tobacco into the U.S. regardless of the duration of the stay in the U.S., so long as the alcohol and tobacco is for personal use. You may have to pay taxes and duties on purchases over and above the customs allowance.

Can you have empty beer cans in your car Ontario?

However, that might be the least of your troubles should police find an open can of beer or other alcohol container in your car. Empty containers are also likely causes of trouble, as police will assume that the driver may have been nipping from a “roadie” or two.

Can you sell beer in Ontario?

Currently, approximately 450 grocery stores in Ontario sell beer and liquor. An additional 225 also sell wine. The sale of alcohol in retail stores in Ontario is governed by the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c.

How do I return a bottle of beer in Ontario?

All you have to do is bring your empty eligible wine, beer and spirit containers to The Beer Store (or other designated Bulk Return Locations) and claim a full refund of your deposit. It may be surprising to learn that each year, 80 million alcohol bottles, cans and containers end up in Ontario landfills.

Can you return crushed beer cans?

I’ve always crushed my cans and I never have had a problem returning them, including today. I am sort of curious where the idea that the Beer Store doesn’t like crushed cans comes from. Ultimately, the can are melted down, so how you return them should make no difference. They dont like opaque bags anymore. Ive been told clear bags only.

Does the Beer Store like crushed cans?

I am sort of curious where the idea that the Beer Store doesn’t like crushed cans comes from. Ultimately, the can are melted down, so how you return them should make no difference. They dont like opaque bags anymore. Ive been told clear bags only. They might be especially suspicious if you have an opaque bag and say there’s 300 cans in there…

Can you recycle alcohol containers in Ontario?

It’s easy to recycle wine, spirit and other alcohol containers through The Beer Store, too. Don’t forget that alcohol aluminum cans are included, too! Here’s where you’re going to want to make sure you pay attention: they offer a deposit refund on any liquor container over 100 ml, that was purchased in Ontario.
Can You Return Crushed Beer Cans in Ontario?

Alright, so you’ve got a bunch of empty beer cans lying around and you’re thinking, “Can I just crush these up and return them for some cash?” Well, it’s a good idea, but sadly, Ontario’s deposit return program doesn’t accept crushed cans. You have to keep them intact to get that sweet, sweet deposit back!

Why Does Ontario Not Accept Crushed Cans?

The main reason Ontario doesn’t accept crushed cans is for environmental reasons. It’s not just about the metal, but also about keeping our environment clean. Imagine trying to sort through a pile of crushed cans. It would be a nightmare, right? And it’s the same for recycling facilities. They need to be able to identify the materials easily to make sure everything gets sorted correctly.

Let’s think about it from the recycling facility’s perspective:

Sorting crushed cans is harder: They have to spend extra time trying to figure out what kind of metal is in each can. This slows down the process and can lead to more waste.
Crushed cans contaminate other materials: If a crushed can with food residue gets mixed in with other materials, it can contaminate the whole batch. This means that the materials might not be recyclable, and it can be a big mess!

Okay, So What Can You Do With Your Cans?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to keep your beer cans around forever! Here are some tips:

Flatten them, but don’t crush them: If you’re short on space, you can flatten them a bit to save room. Just don’t crush them into a solid blob.
Rinse them out: Get rid of any leftover beer or food residue. Nobody wants to sort through dirty cans!
Keep them separate from other recyclables: This makes it easier for the recycling facilities to process them.

How to Return Your Cans in Ontario

Now, let’s get down to business! You have a couple of options for returning your beer cans in Ontario:

Return them to a Beer Store: This is the easiest option. Find the nearest Beer Store, and they’ll take your cans.
Return them to a participating retailer: Some stores, like grocery stores and convenience stores, also accept empty beer and liquor containers. Just check the store’s signage to see if they participate in the program.

What Happens to Your Returned Cans?

Once you return your cans, the Beer Stores and participating retailers will send them to a processing plant. The cans are then sorted, cleaned, and recycled into new products! It’s a great way to close the loop and keep our resources in circulation.

How Much Money Will You Get Back?

The deposit amount on beer cans in Ontario is 10 cents per can. So, if you return 10 cans, you’ll get $1 back! It may not seem like much, but it all adds up.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

Get those cans ready and head to your nearest Beer Store or participating retailer. It’s a simple way to help the environment and get a little extra cash. You can even turn your old cans into a cool DIY project! Imagine a beer can wind chime or a beer can planter! Get creative and let your inner artist shine.


What if I can’t find the original container for my beer?

Don’t worry! The Beer Stores accept all empty beer containers, even if you don’t have the original container. Just make sure the can is clean and empty before you return it.

What if my can is damaged?

If your can is slightly damaged, like a dent or a small tear, it’s probably still acceptable. But if the can is significantly damaged, it may not be accepted.

Is there a limit on how many cans I can return?

There’s no official limit on how many cans you can return. But if you’re returning a large quantity, it’s always a good idea to call the store in advance to let them know.

Do I have to return my cans in person?

Yes, you need to return your cans in person. There is no option for online return or curbside pickup.

What other items can I return for a deposit in Ontario?

Besides beer cans, you can also return other beverage containers like wine bottles, spirits bottles, and even juice boxes. You can find a full list of eligible containers on the [ Ontario Beverage Container Recycling Program ]( website.

Is there a deadline for returning my cans?

No, there’s no deadline for returning your cans. But remember, the longer you wait, the less value the deposit will have due to inflation!

What if my can doesn’t have a deposit on it?

Some cans don’t have a deposit, like imported beers. These cans will not be accepted for a deposit return.

Why don’t I get a deposit back for my beer bottles?

Most beer bottles are non-refundable in Ontario. The only beer bottles that are refundable are those that have a “refundable” stamp on them.

I have a lot of cans, is there a place where I can drop off large quantities?

You can take large quantities of cans to any Beer Store, but call ahead to let them know you’re coming. They may have a specific procedure in place for handling large volumes of returns.

So there you have it! You’re now an expert on returning beer cans in Ontario. Now, go forth and recycle!

See more here: Do You Crush Cans Before Returning? | Can You Return Crushed Beer Cans In Ontario

Returning Empties | The Beer Store

The Beer Store takes back all the packaging we sell. We accept all empty containers under the Ontario Deposit Return Program. This is where you will find sorting and return tips. The Beer Store

Does the beer store take back crushed cans? : r/londonontario

I’ve always crushed my cans and I never have had a problem returning them, including today. I am sort of curious where the idea that the Beer Store doesn’t like crushed cans Reddit

Ontario Deposit Return Program | The Beer Store

The program covers all wine, spirit and cooler containers over 100 ml sold through LCBO stores and Ontario winery retail stores, and beer containers over 100 ml sold outside The Beer Store

Non-alcoholic beer can return : r/ontario – Reddit

Hey guys, i got a question regarding beer can return in Ontario. Does the non-alcoholic beer cans ,purchasable from The Beer Store and any other grocery store, eligible for Reddit

Returning empty alcohol containers at The Beer Store puts cash

At The Beer Store, you can get back your 10-cent deposit on bottles that are 630 ml or less, and on cans less than or equal to 1 L. You’ll get 20 cents for any blogTO

Bag It Back :: Ontario Deposit Return Program

All you have to do is bring your empty eligible wine, beer and spirit containers to The Beer Store (or other designated Bulk Return Locations) and claim a full refund of your

Bag It Back :: Ontario Deposit Return Program

Almost all wine, beer and spirit containers purchased in Ontario on or after February 5, 2007, can be returned to The Beer Store (or other designated Bulk Return Locations) for

What can I return at the beer store? : r/ontario – Reddit

If it contains alcohol and was bought in Ontario and it’s not a beer growler, you can return it at The Beer Store. Sorry, no pop cans. Reddit

Ontario – Bottle Bill Resource Guide

Domestic and imported beer is sold through all locations, but not all imported beer is returnable for a refund. Refillable containers comprise roughly 85% of the total beer containers sold in Ontario, with Bottle Bill Resource Guide

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