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Mass Effect 3: Tuchanka Bomb – The Ultimate Sacrifice?

Tuchanka: Bomb | Mass Effect Wiki | Fandom

What happens if the bomb goes off on Tuchanka?

Not completing this mission in time results in a 300-point reduction of the krogan War Asset — a significant portion of the krogan population (and Eve, if she survives Priority: Tuchanka) die from the explosion.

Is Tuchanka bomb time sensitive?

All 3 will expire after 3 missions, so always do them as top priority. Asari Monastery and Ex-Cerberus Scientist missions never expire. Grissom Academy is failed if you don’t do it before Priority: The Citadel II. Tuchanka: Bomb is failed if you take too long (do three other missions).

Who to bring the Tuchanka bomb?

Tuchanka Bomb: Garrus is perfect in both missions. Genophage cure: Liara/Garrus seem logical here as well. Citadel: Javik + Garrus/Liara, having Shepard being accused of being with cerberus while having two aliens with them is hilarious.

Can Mordin survive Tuchanka?

In Mass Effect 3, Mordin develops a cure for the genophage and wishes to distribute it on Tuchanka as part of his loyalty mission. During this mission, it is possible and often likely that Wrex and Mordin die, or that only Mordin dies.

Should I cure or sabotage the Genophage?

There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure.

Are any ME3 missions time sensitive?

There is one time-sensitive mission. There are other missions that are progress-sensitive. Time-sensitive missions are missions that expire after a certain number of missions, while progress-sensitive missions are missions that expire after a certain part of the main story has been completed.

Do missions in Mass Effect 3 expire?

The opportunity to complete certain side missions expires once specific main plot missions are completed. Others are marked as failed if not completed before a number of other missions are completed. These missions are noted below as “progress-sensitive missions” and “timed missions” respectively.

Can you save Cortez ME3?

During Priority: Earth in Mass Effect 3, after dropping off Shepard and their squad, Steve’s shuttle is shot down by a Harvester. As with any other squadmate, if players have taken time to get to know Steve and complete his hidden, unofficial loyalty mission, he will survive this crash.

Who is the best squadmate in Mass Effect 3?

1 Garrus And Liara Garrus and Liara have both come a long way as Squadmates since the first Mass Effect. And while of course bringing them along in the third game can make for some unique and fun dialogue and moments, they also work incredibly well as a balanced-out team. Garrus is all tech and combat.

Who should I take to Tuchanka?

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon: garrus for the insight on turian military + james are the best squadmates to bring for dialogue. javik (slight aftermission dialogue change if you brought him on the mission or not)

Can you return to Omega ME3?

You cannot return to Omega after completing the DLC, you have to finish all of your business before you leave.

Is there a way to save Mordin and cure genophage?

Nope. Saving Mordin requires both Eve and Wrex to be dead, and the genophage to remain uncured. IMO his death was a good thing though. Allowed him to right his wrongs and die contented.

What is the point of no return in Mass Effect 3?

The “Point of No return” in Mass Effect 3 refers to the last save point before you can no longer complete Side Missions, shop or improve your Effective Military Strength before the game’s end. All Side Missions close after starting Priority: Cerberus Headquarters.

What happens if Ashley kills Wrex?

If Wrex was killed by either Shepard or Ashley, then when you talk to Captain Kirrahe again, you have one final spot for Morality Points: If you pick “He was my friend” or “He deserves respect”, you’ll get +2 Paragon Points. If you pick “Dump him”, you’ll get +2 Renegade Points.

Does it matter if Mordin dies?

Killing him ensures that he does not become the leader of clan Urdnot in Mass Effect 2, and the position will instead go to his brother, Wreav. Wreav wants revenge for what the galaxy did to his people, which plays a key part in Mordin’s decision in the third game.

Does the genophage ever get cured?

Mordin later overrides the sabotage and sacrifices himself in order to release the genophage cure to all krogan, therefore ending the genophage for good and allowing the krogan to join Shepard’s alliance to save Earth from the Reapers.

Is it worth killing Wrex?

Should You Kill Wrex in Mass Effect? Commander Shepard should not kill Wrex in Mass Effect as there’s no real reason to unless the player is going for a Renegade run. But quelling him won’t be difficult if players have put 8 points in either Charm or Intimidate.

How to keep Eve alive in ME3?

After Kalros takes down the Reaper, you’ll approach The Shroud and your STG Doctor, either Mordin or Wiks, will update you on Eve’s status. If you decided to spare Maelon’s data, it will prove invaluable in stabilizing Eve’s condition, and she will live.

What happens if you don’t cure the genophage?

The Consequences Once the mission is said and done, Shepard will receive Krogan aid and Salarian aid (if they chose not to cure the genophage) in the war against the Reapers. If Wrex was the clan leader, you will also get a bonus asset of Krogan mercenaries.

Is it better to cure the genophage or not Mass Effect 3?

If you cure it, the Salarians will deny you their fleets to begin with. But once you save their councilor later on, they’ll give them all to you anyway. So for the best reward, always go with the Paragon choices.

Can Mordin Solus survive ME3?

At the end of the scene, Shepard has a few options for what to do with Maelon’s data. To keep Mordin alive in Mass Effect 3, the data needs to be destroyed which will ultimately also kill Eve, the only surviving Krogan from Maelon’s attempts to cure the genophage.

Can you keep Wrex alive?

If Shepard has enough points in either Talent, the corresponding dialogue choice will be available. Choosing either the red or blue option convinces Wrex to back down. Any other option gets Wrex killed, causing repercussions in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.

Can you sleep with multiple people in ME3?

There is one BIG difference in Mass Effect 3 compared to the first two games however: there is no longer a “polygamous” confrontation check if you’ve been trying more than one serious Romance. Once you’ve taken a Romance to its conclusion, Romantic actions with any other characters will automatically be ceased.

What is the saddest moment in Mass Effect 3?

Saddest Mass Effect Death – Mordin By Mass Effect 3, he’s solely devoted to curing the krogan genophage once and for all, and his earnest bond with both Shepard and Eve makes it painful to watch when his efforts end in self-sacrifice.

How many endings does ME3 have?

There are eight different endings for Mass Effect 3: three core choices (two of which have two variations, and the other having three) and one alternative ending available only in the Extended Cut. Your options and their variations are influenced by three factors: The big choice you made at the end of Mass Effect 2.

What happens if you sabotage the shroud?

Once you initiate the mission, the Salarian Dalatrass will tell Shepard that the Shroud was sabotaged in the past to prevent a cure from being released. She will also offer Shepard an ultimatum. If Shepard sabotages the cure, she will give them Salarian support and war assets in the war against the Reapers.

Can you miss weapons in me3?

If you miss any pickups they will be for sale at one of the shops in the citadel. I missed the weapon and was able to purchase it in one of the shops on my ship, you don’t have to redo the mission.

Who is the best squadmate in Tuchanka turian platoon?

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon: garrus for the insight on turian military + james are the best squadmates to bring for dialogue. javik (slight aftermission dialogue change if you brought him on the mission or not)

Are any ME3 missions time sensitive?

There is one time-sensitive mission. There are other missions that are progress-sensitive. Time-sensitive missions are missions that expire after a certain number of missions, while progress-sensitive missions are missions that expire after a certain part of the main story has been completed.

Why did the turian team crash on Tuchanka?

The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon stop Cerberus. This mission is acquired automatically after meeting with the stranded turian platoon…

When should I complete the Tuchanka mission?

We recommend completing this Mission as soon as possible. The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the Turian platoon stop Cerberus.

What happens after completing Tuchanka Turian platoon?

After completing Tuchanka: Turian Platoon, the same mission is updated with this. Once you receive this Mission, a hidden timer is activated: once you complete three other Missions, the bomb will go off and the strength of your Krogan War Assets will be significantly reduced. We recommend completing this Mission as soon as possible.
Okay, let’s dive into the Mass Effect 3Tuchanka Bomb and what makes it such a significant part of the game. It’s a pivotal event that impacts the entire galaxy, so let’s break down what happens and why it’s so important.

The Tuchanka Bomb: A Deadly Threat

You know how in Mass Effect 3, the Reapers are wreaking havoc across the galaxy? Well, they’re not just causing chaos with their armies – they’re also unleashing biological weapons, and the Tuchanka Bomb is one of them.

It’s a genophage, which means it’s specifically designed to target a species’ reproductive system. In this case, it’s aimed at the krogan, the fierce and warlike species that inhabit Tuchanka, a planet in the Terminus Systems.

Remember that krogan are known for their incredible fertility, and this bomb is designed to basically shut that down. Imagine a biological weapon that targets a species’ ability to reproduce – talk about a devastating attack.

Now, the Reapers don’t just drop this bomb out of the blue. They have a plan, and it’s a pretty sneaky one. The Reapers use a “quarian” ship called the “Raiders” to deliver the bomb. This ship is under the control of “The Illusive Man”, who, in a twisted way, is trying to help the Reapers achieve their goals.

Why Tuchanka? Why Krogan?

The Reapers have a reason for targeting the krogan, and it’s all about their “cycle”. You see, the Reapers have this whole “destroy civilizations” thing going on. They think it’s their job to stop organic life from reaching a certain level of advancement, so they go around wiping out entire civilizations.

The Reapers know that if they want to control the galaxy, they need to keep organic life from becoming too powerful. And the krogan, with their fertility, their aggression, and their potential for expansion, are a real threat to the Reapers’ plans.

So, they unleash the Tuchanka Bomb, hoping to drastically reduce the krogan population. This would, in their twisted minds, help them prevent organic life from becoming a threat.

The Impact on the Galaxy

The Tuchanka Bomb has a huge impact on the galaxy. It basically throws the krogan into a state of panic, making them even more dangerous and unpredictable.

Remember that they’re already known for their aggressive nature, and with their fertility affected, they become more desperate and willing to fight. This creates a lot of tension between the krogan and the other races.

It also makes it even more difficult for Commander Shepard to unite the galaxy against the Reapers.

Dealing with the Fallout

Now, here’s where the player comes in. In Mass Effect 3, you have a chance to deal with the Tuchanka Bomb and its consequences. The krogan need a cure, and it’s up to you to find it.

You can find a cure for the genophage by working with the salarians and the batarians. The salarians are involved in genetic research, and they can help you figure out what the Reapers did. The batarians have a lot of knowledge about the krogan, especially their history and culture.

It’s a difficult task, but you can help the krogan overcome the genophage and become a valuable ally in the fight against the Reapers.


Q: What is the Tuchanka Bomb exactly?

The Tuchanka Bomb is a genophage designed to severely reduce the krogan population by attacking their reproductive system.

Q: Why did the Reapers target the Krogan?

The Reapers targeted the krogan because of their high fertility, their aggressive nature, and their potential to expand and become a significant threat to organic life.

Q: How does the Tuchanka Bomb affect the Krogan?

The bomb makes it incredibly difficult for krogan to reproduce, drastically impacting their population growth. This can make them more desperate and even more aggressive.

Q: Is it possible to cure the genophage?

Yes, it is. You can find a cure by working with the salarians and the batarians.

Q: What are the consequences of not curing the genophage?

If you don’t find a cure for the genophage, the krogan remain a destabilizing force in the galaxy. This can make it harder for Commander Shepard to unite the galaxy against the Reapers.

Q: Can I stop the bomb from being detonated?

No, you can’t stop the bomb from being detonated, but you can deal with its consequences and help the krogan overcome the genophage.

Let me know if you have any other questions about the Tuchanka Bomb or anything else in Mass Effect 3.

See more here: Is Tuchanka Bomb Time Sensitive? | Mass Effect 3 Tuchanka Bomb

Tuchanka: Bomb – Mass Effect 3 Guide – IGN

Walkthrough. Your team gets deposited right in the heart of a hotly contested area, where many of Cerberus’ troops have already gained advantageous ground. An IGN

Tuchanka: Bomb | Mass Effect 3 Wiki

Tuchanka: Bomb is a Side Mission in Mass Effect 3. Tuchanka: Bomb is about landing on Tuchanka to help a Turian platoon prevent Cerberus from detonating a

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The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon… YouTube

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Learn how to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb on Tuchanka in this side quest. Follow the steps to reach the bomb site, protect Lieutenant Victus and Gamepressure

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Hello my name is Visual Walkthrough i am here to help you out with a game called Mass Effect 3 (PS4). —–­­—–… YouTube

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You need to protect Lieutenant Victus from being shot to bits as he attempts to disarm the bomb. The first wave are easy enough, just foot soldiers, but their numbers will soon Gamer Guides

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Welcome to IGNs comprehensive Mass Effect 3 walkthrough! In this installment, we take you through the Tuchanka Mission Tuchanka: Bomb.Weve collected every si… YouTube

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