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Did The Hound Kiss Sansa? A Game Of Thrones Debate

Unkiss - A Wiki Of Ice And Fire

Do the Hound and Sansa kiss?

No, but she thinks he kissed her. It’s commonly referred to as the “unkiss” by ASOIAF fans. Martin confirms that Sansa is an unreliable narrator in her POV chapters. The night of the Blackwater battle, Sandor, incredibly drunk, shows up in Sansa’s room.

Was the Hound in love with Sansa?

However, Sandor is not a monster. The Hound falls in love with Joffrey’s betrothed, Arya’s sister Sansa, enchanted by her innocence and romantic dreams. When he decides to abdicate his position during the Battle of the Blackwater, she’s the last one he visits.

Did the Hound kiss Sansa on Reddit?

So, in all likelihood, her narrative ON the night of the battle, as it occurred, is likely true. That means that the Hound did not kiss her that night, and he immediately left the city, because other POV chapters besides hers bear that out.

What happened between Sansa and the Hound?

Before leaving the city following his desertion of the Kingsguard, the Hound visited Sansa’s room to urge the girl to leave with him. He vowed to protect her so she could return to her family in the North. Sansa, not fully trusting the man who claimed to get a thrill out of killing, refused to join him.

Who does Sansa fall in love with?

Sansa’s affection for Loras grows; she is unaware that Loras is gay and, while he likes her and enjoys spending time with her, he can never love her. Margaery proposes the idea that Loras will marry Sansa, meaning Sansa can leave King’s Landing, which delights Sansa.

Did the Hound love Arya?

The Hound has genuinely come to have affection for Arya. I think he loves her as much as he’s capable of loving someone, and he knows that if she comes with him at this point, she’s not going to make it out of there.”

Why is the Hound so nice to Sansa?

The Hound protects Sansa because she’s the little boy he used to be. Okay, well she’s obviously not the little boy he used to be—but in terms of deeply held ideals and beliefs, she’s damn close. Take a look at who Sandor Clegane was as a kid.

Does Sandor love Sansa in the books?

It’s certainly implied that he does. Sansa may subconsciously feel something for him too, as she remembers him giving her a kiss that never occurred. Sandor in the books is in his 20’s, whereas the Sandor of the show (portrayed by Rory McCann) is in his 40’s.

Was dog in love with Sansa?

I think that it is fair to say that Sandor is definitely in love with Sansa by the time of the Blackwater if we’re strictly going by those signs; however, offering to protect her and kill anyone that tries to hurt her is as close as Sandor can come to articulating what his feelings are.

Did Sansa and LittleFinger kiss?

In the books Sansa is roughly thirteen years old. In the show she’s about seventeen when LittleFinger goes after her. She’s young and this much older man, whom she goes back and forth on trusting, kisses her.

Did the Hound hate Joffrey?

The Hound hates Joffrey, also Joffrey had no power at that point and King Robert makes sure of that because its pretty clear he despises Joffrey as well, on the other hand Tyrion was still Technically the Heir to the Westerlands, and even though Tywin hated him he would not stand for the hound smacking his son.

Why does the Hound call Sansa a little bird?

Unlike Cersei, whose version of “little bird” seems to position Sansa as a pretty little bird in a cage, the Hound’s seems to begrudgingly respect her innocence in the face of horrors.

Does the Hound have a crush on Sansa?

In the books, the Hound also had a more overt attraction to Sansa. When he asks her to leave with him and she refuses, he kisses her—and at knifepoint, demands a song for her. No wonder a child wouldn’t want to travel with someone so sexually threatening.

Does Sansa kiss the Hound?

For the uninitiated: In the books, Sansa remembers (twice!) a kiss that didn’t happen, at least not in her contemporary narration of the scene. According to Sansa, the night when Sandor came to her room and offered to smuggle her away, he kissed her on the mouth, hard.

Is Theon in love with Sansa?

He hadn’t entirely shaken his brainwashing and was deeply traumatized. He and Sansa might have a lot of love for one another, but they aren’t in love. They just haven’t spent enough time together (outside of shared torture) for romance to be possible.

Who did Sansa Stark end up with?

Sansa is wed to Tyrion Lannister.

Does Littlefinger really love Sansa?

But as Sansa points out in “The Dragon and the Wolf,” he ends up betraying both Catelyn and Sansa — the two women he purported to love — in truly horrible ways. That’s because Littlefinger ultimately does everything for the sake of power. Nothing, not even his so-called love, can sway him from that.

Who does Arya fall in love with?

until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night’s Watch, sworn to celibacy. Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon’s true parentage is finally revealed in the last book.

Does The Hound care for Sansa?

While initially appearing brutal and fatalistic, he later proves to be far more honorable, sympathetic and compassionate, particularly through his relationships with Sansa and Arya Stark. Sandor is portrayed by Scottish actor Rory McCann in the HBO television adaptation.

Why does Arya hate The Hound so much?

She’s less than thrilled about the arrangement, especially after the Hound killed her friend Micah in season 1. This earned him a place on Arya’s list of names, but he’s one of the characters on it who doesn’t die by her hand.

Was Arya going to sleep with The Hound?

Originally Answered: Do you think Arya wanted to sleep with The Hound? Definitely not. They bonded, but in a different way to her and Gendry. In many ways, Gendry was probably her first love before she even realised it.

Does Tyrion fall in love with Sansa?

While there’s no real love between Sansa and Tyrion, there’s a certain degree of respect, and perhaps even fondness, that developed while they were unwillingly shackled to each other in earlier seasons.

Who is the Hound loyal to?

Sandor served as Joffrey Baratheon‘s personal guard for many years, earning the nickname the “Hound,” for being Joffrey’s loyal “dog.” At the Battle of the Blackwater though, Sandor deserts, leaving the service of House Lannister. He later wanders the Riverlands, and is captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Why won’t the Hound hurt Sansa?

For why he didn’t hurt her? Well he didn’t want to and after Blackwater he has given up on the king and so is leaving himself. He believes he hasn’t done much right in his life but saving Sansa by taking her home is a start.

Does the Hound fall in love with Sansa?

Yes, but more to the point, he’s in love with her. Ironically, The Hound longs for the ideals of chivalry even more than Sansa does.

Who was Sansa in love with in the books?

To warn Sansa about dangers she faces, Sandor Clegane tells the girl how his brother, Ser Gregor Clegane, burned his face. She also develops a crush on Ser Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers; when he gives her a red rose, she is certain she is living in a romantic song.

Why did Sandor like the Stark girls?

The Hound has no loyalties to Sansa or the Starks. His loyalties should be with King Joffrey and the Lannisters he serves. But Sandor sees an inherent innocence in Sansa, a helpless victim he refers to as a ‘little bird.

Was dog in love with Sansa?

I think that it is fair to say that Sandor is definitely in love with Sansa by the time of the Blackwater if we’re strictly going by those signs; however, offering to protect her and kill anyone that tries to hurt her is as close as Sandor can come to articulating what his feelings are.

Does the Hound care for Sansa?

While initially appearing brutal and fatalistic, he later proves to be far more honorable, sympathetic and compassionate, particularly through his relationships with Sansa and Arya Stark. Sandor is portrayed by Scottish actor Rory McCann in the HBO television adaptation.

Does Sandor love Sansa in the books?

It’s certainly implied that he does. Sansa may subconsciously feel something for him too, as she remembers him giving her a kiss that never occurred. Sandor in the books is in his 20’s, whereas the Sandor of the show (portrayed by Rory McCann) is in his 40’s.

What episode does littlefinger kiss Sansa?

In Season 4, Episode 7 of Game of Thrones, Petyr Baelish kisses Sansa Stark after she creates her snow castle of Winterfell. His wife, Lysa goes into a jealous rage and threatens Sansa’s life. Lord Baelish then proceeds to throw Lysa out of the moon door to her death.

Did the Hound Kiss Sansa?

No, The Hound didn’t kiss Sansa. However, for some reason Sansa (in future recollections) is convinced that The Hound kissed her. One theory is that a latent sense of attraction has developed inside Sansa towards The Hound, and has retroactively changed her memory of the situation. Sansa/Sandor shippers love this theory 🙂

Does Sansa remember the Hound kissing her in Asos & AFFC?

The discrepancy is that in ASOS and AFFC, Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her during this encounter, which doesn’t actually happen. According to an old SSM, the author says (about the false kiss) “That will eventually mean something, but just now it’s a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on.”

How did Sansa and the Hound meet?

These two go way, way back. Thronies who’ve been watching the show since day one will recall the first time Sansa and The Hound first met. The Hound served as Joffrey Baratheon’s body guard back when the two were engaged to be married. That means The Hound got a front-row seat to Joffrey’s constant tormenting of Sansa.

What does the Hound say to Sansa?

The Hound is very drunk, drunker than she had ever seen him. He offers to take Sansa with him as he intends to flee the city. He mentions going north somewhere. She does not understand what he means. He pushes her on her bed, holds a dagger to her throat, and drunkenly demands that she sing him the song that she had promised him earlier.

See more here: Was The Hound In Love With Sansa? | Did The Hound Kiss Sansa

a song of ice and fire – Why didn’t Sansa leave with the

No, The Hound didn’t kiss Sansa. However, for some reason Sansa (in future recollections) is convinced that The Hound kissed her. One theory is that a latent Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange

Why is the hound so fascinated with Sansa : r/gameofthrones

The Hound clearly cares about Sansa, but he never says or does anything overtly romantic (even though Sansa later remembers a kiss that never happened). To be Reddit

Why Does Sansa think her first kiss was with the Hound?

Did you know Sansa actually thinks her first kiss was with the Hound during the Battle for Blackwater Bay? This short uses evidence from A Game of YouTube

Sansa & The Hound’s Relationship On ‘Game Of

The Hound served as Joffrey Baratheon’s body guard back when the two were engaged to be married. That means The Hound got a front-row seat to Joffrey’s constant tormenting Elite Daily

[Extended Spoilers] I just figured out what the Unkiss is all

A kiss from Robert Arryn. Littlefingers wedding, where she shudders at the thought of Joffrey undressing her. When Myranda speaks of what happens in the marriage bed, Reddit

(Spoilers All) Sansa, Sandor, and a kiss. : r/asoiaf – Reddit

The discrepancy is that in ASOS and AFFC, Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her during this encounter, which doesn’t actually happen. According to an old SSM, the Reddit

The UnKiss: Sansa Stark’s Mismemory – asoiaf theories

TL;DR: Sansa Stark thinks the Hound kissed her, but he actually didn’t (e.g. the “Unkiss”). The mismemory could signify Sansa’s attraction to the Hound. Sansa Stark has been

Here’s Why Sansa’s repressed memory of Blackwater

The period between Sansa believing the Hound would kiss her to when she finally ends her song (still fearing that he would kill her) was the peak of her trauma. She A Forum of Ice and Fire

The Hound’s Backstory On ‘Game Of Thrones’

However, Sandor is not a monster. The Hound falls in love with Joffrey’s betrothed, Arya’s sister Sansa, enchanted by her innocence and romantic dreams. Elite Daily

See more new information:

Game Of Thrones Deleted Scenes – Sandor \U0026 Sansa – Watch A Game Of Thrones Online Free

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Link to this article: did the hound kiss sansa.

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